Relationship Status: Taken. Soon to be Widowed.

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Anya hid in the bathroom, dodging her husband as he cut through to the next compartment. She followed him closely behind, trying to figure out what he was doing in Japan. 

He made his way to another cart and Anya slipped in behind him, hiding just out of sight. She saw the man in the white bucket hat that she just swindled, hiding in a compartment. 

She watched as Michael's phone buzzed, "Hello... Wanted some fresh air...I didn't realize I was gettin' a babysitter to come cut my bollocks. I'm a professional. We're making sure the case and his son are perfectly safe. Can I please go do my job now? Oh, very kind of you. Thank you very much." He hung up the phone and her heart dropped. He was after the case too? What business did her lovely, doting husband have with the White Death's case? 

The only thing she could think of was her father was testing her husband. There was no other explanation as to why Michael and sweet Charlie would be anywhere close to danger. 

As far as she knew they had never even touched a gun.

"Fuck me! Jesus Christ." She heard Michael yell as he turned to see the man. 

"It's very rude, talking on the phone, on the train. In Japan." The dude said, trying to play off his awkward position. 

"This rude enough for ya, ya fucking prick? Shove that fuckin' hat up your fuckin' asshole, you hear me?" 

Her eyes went wide. Sure Mikael was a loudmouth and cursed like a sailor, but she had never heard him say anything undeservedly rude before. He was always kind and caring around her. This new side of him shocked her to her core. 

He left towards first class and Anya stepped out of her hiding spot, pulling her phone out and dialing his number. 

After a few rings, he answered. 

"Hello, my love. I would love to talk but unfortunately, I'm about to step into a conference seminar could I call you back after?" His voice rang through her ears and the irrational anger she inherited from her father took over. 

"I'm going to ask you a question... How you answer will determine whether I wake up tomorrow as a widow or not..."

She heard him stop walking, "Love I really don't have time for your jokes.

"This is no joke... where are you right now?" Her voice was not the usual light, joyful lull he was used to for the past two years of marriage. She practically growled out her words and his heart nearly stopped in his chest. 

"I'm in Oslo, Norway. Near the old town." He answered without a beat.

"Last chance... Tell me the truth where are you right now?" 

He sighed in exasperation. She watched him move in her direction, closer and closer. "I told you, love, I'm in Olso. Is this a new bit? Am I meant to ask where are you?

"Me?... I'm on a bullet train from Tokyo to Kyoto."

She watched horror flood his face as he stopped walking. She could practically hear his heart stop over the phone as he stopped breathing. 

Dramatic as ever, she entered the car he was standing in. He looked up as he heard the door slide open, his face losing all color as he saw his wife's gorgeous face. 

"Oslo sure looks different than I thought it would." Her Russian accent grew thicker with her growing rage. Her face was blank in a cold, calculated stare she learned from the white death himself. 


"Be wary of your next words, they very well might be your last." 

Tangerine was not having a very good day. First, he lost the case he was meant to protect, then the lad he was meant to protect died, and now his worst nightmare was coming true. 

There at the end of the aisle, eyes glowing with hellish fury stood the love of his life. Catching him red-handed in one of the thousands of lies he's told her. 

What the fuck is she doing in Japan?

"Sweetheart-"He began. Almost glad she cut him off because he had no idea what to say beyond that. He had no clue how to get out of this situation.

Anya had no idea what he did for work. He knew everything about her and yet she knew nothing about him. 

Sure she had met Charlie and he never met her siblings but that is a far cry from telling your wife you are in Oslo on a business trip when really you're in Tokyo after killing 17 people. 

"Be wary of your next words, they very well might be your last."

If he wasn't so mortified, that voice would have turned him on. She looked like a snake, coiled up and ready to strike if he didn't come up with a perfect marriage-saving explanation. 

He walked up to her, hoping the extra few seconds would gain him some clarity about what to do. He stood directly in front of his wife, towering over her as he gapped like a fish. 

He instead did the only thing that came to mind. 

He smashed his lips into her's grabbing her wrists so she couldn't hit him. He turned their bodies so that his back was to the door. When she finally melted into the kiss he pushed her into one of the seats, taking off through the door towards the next cabin. 

"YOU FUCKING COWARD! I'M GONNA CUT OUT YOUR FORKED LYING TONGUE!" She roared as she chased after him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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