185 1 0

Genre: fluff

Member: Jeongin

Crying,crying and crying, thats all you've been doing for the past 3 hours, with a damn bucket of chocolate ice cream in your lap why?


5 hours ago

You stepped inside your apartment-well yours and your boyfriends apartment

You were so excited to finally see your boyfriend after a long tiring day, it was 10 at night, you returned from your tiring job after hours, your annoying boss kept you little longer than your actual off time

You sighed placing your bag on the kitchen counter, you slowly removed your shoes and placed them somewhere in the room too tired to get uo and place them at the shoe rack

You grabbed the bottle from the fridge straight up swallowing the water from the water bottle

"Innah stop~~"

Your head shot up straight at the happy voice of boyfriend, it was a sweet giggle ,but it wasn't your name

Your heart skipped a beat when the thought of him cheating on you came across your mind

No no he won't cheat on you ofcourse....

You slowly placed the bottle back inside the fridge with your shaky and sweaty hand

Your feets walking by their own selfs

You slowly started walking, your hand shaking with fear of what'll happen in minutes


Now you were standing Infront of your boyfriends room ,giggles and weird sound coming through the door to your ears

"I think you should go now Yn will be here at any moment"

"Oh yes but don't forget, you own me a date tomorrow"

"How can i forget that darling"

"When will you leave her, im so ready for calling you mine"

"Soon but let me atleast get some money from her, after all you are my only love"

Your knees felt weak ,tears running down your cheeks unknowingly

You felt disappointed, in yourself, for believing all his love for you

For believing that he's your one and only

For literally helping him in his every problems

How could he do this to you..

Even after you loved him...

You slowly wiped your tears and grabbed the doornob slowly trying to open it ,but your hands gave up, or somebody already opened it by yourself

"Innah babe you-"
"YN ba-babe"

Your head stayed at the same position, the door opened revealing your boyfriend, his arms wrapped around a young and beautiful girl, she had pretty eyes with full lips, her wavy black hairs tued into a messy loose ponytail

"You don't need to explain"

You slowly spoke backing away when you sensed his hand coming towards your shoulder

"Babe please let me explain-"

He tried to speaj coming towards you but you backed away more

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