Chapter 12

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Louis P.O.V

We were all just standing there starring at each other. I was getting a little impatient that nobody was telling me what was going on. Harry knows I'm practically in love with Allie, so why was he just flirting with her.

"We were just having a bit of fun, making breakfast." Harry stated.

"That's all." Allie added in. I could tell she wasn't lying but I made a mental note to interrogate Harry later for this.

"Okay. What's for breakfast?" My sudden change in mood shocked the two as I skipped over to the table.

"Umm Pancakes. It might be awhile though, some ingredients got everywhere." Harry laughed.

Allie awkwardly laughed back, "Yeah. I'm going to get Morgan and the rest up." She quickly said before rushing out of the kitchen.

"Lou?" Harry asked. I glanced up signaling for him to continue.

"It was nothing. I'm sorry. I know you like her." He apologized.

"It's fine, Hazza. I shouldn't of reacted like that. She's not mine anyways. I probably freaked her out." I said back, sighing.

"Morning!" Liam cheerfully said taking a seat by me at the table. He was showered and dressed.

"What are we doing today again?" Harry asked.

"WATERPARK!" Morgan screamed running into the kitchen.

"So lets hurry and eat so we can go go GO!" Allie said joining in. Niall walked in after and sat down at the table too.

"I smell pancakes." He smiled.

"Yupp! Coming right up!" Harry cheered.

"Hey." Zayn sleepily said walking into the kitchen.

"Dig in!" Harry announce setting the plate of pancakes on the table as we all grabbed some and ate.


"LETS GO!" Morgan yelled for like the fifth time. Her, Niall, Liam, and me were already in the car. We were waiting for Allie, Harry and Zayn.

"COMING!" Allie yelled shutting the door, after Harry and Zayn exited, and locking it. They all piled in and we were off to the water park!

Once we arrived we all jumped out, got our passes and decided to pick out a place to keep our stuff.

"This spot is fine." Liam announced, picking a spot by a large water ride.

"I say we break up into groups." Zayn suggested.

"I call Niall!" Morgan yelled grabbing the man's hands and running off towards a ride.

"Liam and Harry, be with me." Zayn announced.

"That's not fair." Harry complained. Zayn and Liam gave Harry a cold stare until he agreed.

The boys headed off in the same direction as Morgan and Niall.

"Guess that leaves us?" I glanced up at Louis.

"Lets go, partner." Louis said nudging me.


"Hey!" I said as Zayn, Liam, and Harry approached us.

"They are partners." Liam confirmed.

"Harry almost ruined our plans though." Zayn continued. I smacked Harry.

"Ow!" He whined, "I ALMOST did."

"Whatever. Operation get Louis and Alana together, Phase two, is a go!" I shouted while high-fiving Niall.

"Phase two? What was phase one?" Zayn asked confused.

"Harry flirted with Allie to get Louis jealous." Niall answered.

"You were asleep, mate." Liam said.

"Boy was he jealous." Harry commented, "I thought he was gonna kill me."


"Lets go!" Everyone cheered as we headed off towards a random water slide.

Louis P.O.V

"You're infront, love." I smirked, as she climbed into the double tube. I climbed in after her, putting my feet around her portion of the tube.

"Ew, don't let your feet touch me." She commanded.

"EW, don't let your skin touch my feet." I mocked her, laughing.

"You did not just say that." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"Whoops, guess I did." I shot back. I pushed off the rim, sending us down the slide, before she could say anything back. She started giggling uncontrollably as we twisted and turned. Her laugh was not only contagious but was so darn cute. Our ride ended as we splashed into the pool at the bottom.

"That was so fun!" She cheered, clapping her hands, excitedly. I looked over at her, taking in all her features. She had a full blown smile, showing her perfect teeth, her face was makeupless, just the way I liked it and her curly brown hair was a tad wet and hanging around her shoulders, illuminating her skin. She looked beautiful, flawless, and just overall, perfect. I wish I could tell her that without freaking her out though.

"Um Lou?" She asked.

"Hm?" I responded.

"You've been starring at me for five minutes." She stated.

"Oh sorry." I chuckled.

"It's fine."

"Hey, Allie, you aren't wearing any makeup right?" I asked.

"No...." She answered.

"Good. You look beautiful without it, love." I complimented. She blushed and looked down.

"Well lets ride another ride." She spoke after a while.

"Lets." I said, interlacing our arms as we trotted off to another ride.


YAY AN UPDATE BITCHES. WHOOP DA WHOOP. Anyhoe, I think I'm gonna upload this new story I've been working on but it's kinda not a fanfic. It has no celebrities in it but its a great love story. Do you all think I should?Would you all read it? LET ME KNOW. AND ALSO COMMENT AND VOTE FOR THIS CHAPTER. Thanks loves that would be great... Sorry it took so long to update... Been busy. Love ya!xx


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