Part 1: Ants

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Usami, or as Hiyoko would consider her, "The worthless useless rabbit", had already brought them to this island and told them their goal. "Get along and collect the hope fragments!" Whatever that means, Hiyoko thought. 'No way I'm getting along with any of these losers.' Hiyoko for once held her thoughts to herself while she was looking around at everyone trying to guess their personality.

She noticed a buff man with a chain whistle. "Too big."
Then a small chef. "Too weird."
Next was a nervous nurse girl. "Just the right amount of trauma to make this fun!" She judged silently. She also made note of the mechanic with a beanie and the gymnast with muscle where her brain should be.

Everyone here is just too stupid and ugly, she laughed. She made it a game to find something wrong with whether it be their appearance, personality, or both!

"That white-haired boy needs to gain some weight!"
"Those red eyes on the sword lady, are so ugly!"
"Babyface needs to know his place!"
But there was one who she couldn't find a problem with no matter how hard she tried. The redhead photographer with strawberry earrings.

That girl had ruined the game in her mind for Hiyoko, puffing her cheeks and tapping her foot as she was one of the first to leave the group before the rest all went their separate ways. Besides the bland tie boy laying on the beach with the white-haired boy observing him. Everyone eventually spread out to investigate the island.

The first area to catch the blonde's eyes was the ranch! It was bound to be filled with a bunch of fun and not to mention cute animals! Hiyoko would never admit that she enjoys this stuff though. Running almost like a little kid into the ranch she came across a cow!

A big cute cow! With a big smile on her face, Hiyoko proceeded to pet the cow all over, making sure no one was looking as she did so. She was the type not to want to be seen with anything remotely fun or interesting with a few exceptions. Such as candy and Japanese traditions.

Her fun was interrupted as that dumb gymnast came into the space that she had claimed. Hiyoko attempted to stare daggers into her but that didn't end up working as the girl just got distracted by animals. Hiyoko watched as she said stupid things to the cow as you would a dog.

"Who's a cute cow? You are! Yes, you are!" She said grabbing its face. Hiyoko was frankly disgusted by her but she did seem like she would be fun to pick on, Hiyoko giggled.

The girl took one peak over the cow and finally saw Hiyoko. "Oh hey! I didn't see ya there!" She flashed a wide grin across her face. The girl had brown messy hair, a white button-up shirt, and a red skirt.

"The name's Akane Owari! Nice to meetcha!" She introduced herself with her voice filled with joy and optimism.

"Yeah, I know. I heard you tell everybody that earlier. I'm not deaf you know." Hiyoko scolded her.

"Oh, that's right! I did do that, didn't I?" She laughed still flashing her bright white teeth. Hiyoko just rolled her eyes annoyed at her.

"What's your name, little girl?" Akane asked Hiyoko not knowing they are the same age.

"It's Hiyoko and don't call me little! I'm just as old as you are!" Hiyoko told her offended by the gymnast's words. She pouted and folded her arms.

"Oh sorry bout that! You were so small n innocent lookin' I just assumed you were like 7." Akane laughed again. No worry going through her mind in the slightest.

"Whatever..." The Dancer blew off the ignorance of the brown-haired idiot. But before she walked away there was a beeping on the tablet she had received earlier. Telling her that she had received a Hope Fragment from her interaction with Akane.

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