Lost.. (S. one, Ep. one)

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Relic's 3rd person view

Relic had lost track of his mother and his two siblings after he had gotten distracted by something shiny, he looked around with fear and ran in one direction, he accidentally tripped as his eyes became slightly blurry from his tears that formed

Relic stood up to end up falling again, he looked at his leg and saw that he had accidentally hurt it, he then saw a stick and ended up using it to allow him to walk which worked to his surprise, he continued in the one direction and ended up making it to a mansion in the morning, he got in through a window he managed to get up to

Once in the mansion, he rested for a while until he had all his energy back, Relic then made his way to the kitchen, seeing a few other rats hiding under the table from the janitor who didn't notice Relic because of how Relic held still for a moment as the janitor passed him by

Shortly after Relic made it over to the other rats, they greeted him and welcomed him, offering their hospitality after one noticed his injured leg, pointing it out to the rest of the rats who were there to meet him, some time goes by, Relic got used to everyone as they got used to him

Soon, Relic accidentally got caught by a cat of which wanted to eat him, but Relic had different ideas as he weaved and dodged the cats claws, jumping onto a table where Owen and Scott were having a chat "oh, hey guys!.." Relic said as he was out of breath from running from the cat

Scott and Owen looked at the younger rat as he huffed trying to catch his breath "hey, did you get chased by a cat or something?" Owen asked as he peaked down, seeing the cat below "yeah, but hey, I dodged death at least, heh.." Relic said after he had sat down, resting his legs for a bit after out running the cat


Well, that will be the ending of this one, hopefully it isn't too confusing to you all and I'm sorry if it's all scrambled, I'm just getting back into writing, so I'm a little rusty at it again, I'm really sorry /gen
Anywho, I'll see you all next round, be safe, take care, and I love you all! /p
Written by: Theo.

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