2/2 Left Capt'n

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"Wanna work?"Capt'n sayeth O'capt'n to the kid of wishful thinking broken by generational generals. Yes please that would be fine.Was the response. Fine then Fine he puffs out a cloud with happiness and cheerful banter.'Improvement'$3 a voice ahead bluntly blisters boastfully. Yes!!!! We can work together!!! Celebrated 2 the Left Capt'n with a smile that makes the kid smile, He himself breathing out smoke as intense as the speed of which no fear but friendship begates. Sooo who are they? No idea. Is she your girlfriend? No she's just this.... Both look at each other and silence themselves through the continually first puff that has breath breaks. Go sleep and wake up then we go.The kid smiles and is happy to have some friendliness clinging to it like the high note of a novel in a short story. Tis Morning O'capt'n to the left two. It's just 1 tree then we're done ok? Yes. The kid smiling and happy. Argggggghhhhhh yaaaaaaaaaa (brrrrrrrrrrrrtttt) (vvvvvvrrrrrrrrrrttttttt) ha ha ha you think you got us? Says Two left Capt'n 2/2 with kid concentrating on work he smiles and clearly he is greatful for the chance and happy at the genuine positivity but can't give away a 26. No No No No 32 not 32 it's (huff huff huff huff) 2 the rescue comes the kid reminded of younger days. Blonk! Silence not even a bird.... Haha ummm 'SOFT SPOT' the kid automatically starts counter and attack mode thinking of the 360 days and 200/376 of a days puff over ten in Roman numerals plus the years on the wall and starts to root. It's just the tree it.... The kid disappears heading to the spot. Last there waiting for the people who now forgot or not his mind is hidden but he knows his own. Capt'n 2 left Capt'n 2/2 Capt'n 2 left Capt'n tames the bear and saves the kid another smile with a puff before the breath is through. SRS salute to 2 left Capt'n cheers 1 for me and 1 for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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