chapter two

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I spent all night working on the best letter for my love

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I spent all night working on the best letter for my love. I laid on my bed while kicking my feet and smiling.

I made sure Chanel hadn't "accidentally" forget to write the letter, I call her up and made sure she remembered.

and now it's Thursday, the day before. pretty sure both of our stomachs are in knots.

I rambled on and on about it, Chanel barley paying me any attention.

I stopped talking to see what she was looking at, when I looked, I instantly smiled.

she was looking at Alessandro!

"earth to Chanel" I say giggling

"I'm here and I'm with you" she sighs.

"are you sure your with me or are you with Alessandro?"

she nudges my shoulder while chuckling.

"I don't know, i think I'm with you" she says while still laughing.

"are you with Mattia or me because you been staring at him for the whole time you were talking?" Chanel snickered

"no I haven't" I emphasized the last word

we were both in our own world with alessadro and Mattia.

but who wouldn't like Mattia, he's 6'1, brown fluffy hair and a cute smile.

I sit there day-dreaming about Mattia, not even talking to chey anymore.

the bell woke me and chey out of our trance.

while we were walking to English, all I could talk about were the boys, surprisingly Chanel was talking back and listening.

when we walked into class and we seen almost all of the desk taken except the ones with Mattia and Alessandro behind us.

we hesitantly walked to sit down.

me and chey didn't even talk, we were busy too focusing on the boys behind us.

only communicating with our eyes, like sign language but with your eyes.

I purposely dropped a pencil to take a look Mattia, when I seen him, he was directly looking at me.

he didn't see me look at him, I think.

DOUBLE TROUBLE TIMES TWO ||ON A BREAK||Where stories live. Discover now