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"Jungkook-ah dinner is ready!" Jimin yelled out for her son to come and eat. The door open and Jungkook get out of his room.

With a sweatpants and white shirt. "Hi Mom I didn't see or heard when you came home."

He said and took a seat in front of Jimin in the table. "Yeah I came earlier and make dinner."

"The food smell delicious." Jungkook licked his lips and dig in. "Careful baby I don't want you to choked now."

Jimin laugh and look at his son who was eating. She know Yoongi made a mistake by doing that but she's happy now that she have her baby.

Continue to smile to herself and took a napkin to wipe the sauce in the corner of Jungkook's lips.

"Drink some juice baby." She held up the glass of orange Juice near Jungkook's lips.

He drank a little and let out a burb. "Heyy." Jimin said and they both laughed.

"My baby is all grown up now huh" Jimin wiped her fake tear and munch on the meat inside her mouth.

"Mooom I'm 4 not a baby." Jungkook whine cutely and Jimin laugh. "I know baby I remember when you were born you look just like a bunny and you still are."

"Mommyyyyyy." Jungkook put both his hand on his face feeling shy, Jimin giggle and put some Kimchi on the top of the rice for his son.

"Let's finish eating and mommy gonna help you do draw baby." Jungkook nodded and continue eating, Jimin smile and eat.

Kekeke. (^_^)

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