homework short story

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Chairs. I wonder who made them. They look like a high quality chairs. The ornaments on the hand rests are very detailed. Somebody put a lot of work into them....

Eh, whatever.

What's more interesting was the blackout drunk doctor sitting on one of them. His hair was quite literally everywhere and reeked of alcohol. His clothes were dirty and soaked up with blood. Not his blood, of course. What kind of a doctor would he be if it was his blood? Probably not a good one, I'd say. His long boney fingers were wrapped around the hilt of his dagger that was attached to his waist.
You'd think, this has to be the lowest point of his life. But nooo. This man will go so so much lower than that. He'll get even more pathetic. But for now, he's just irresponsible and naive.

All of a sudden, something heavy dropped right next to his head. The loud aggressive thud woke him up. He sluggishly looked up with a stupid smile. The person who dropped the item was now leaning on the bartop, droplets of water hitting the wood. Her clothes were completely drenched, her make-up smudged, and her hair looked like a bird's nest. And even through all that, she still had that smug smile on her lips.

,,Oh I'm so sorry sweetie. Did I wake you up?" She tilted her head, asking him mockingly. ,,Hey Meya!" He blinked the sleepiness out of his eyes, looking her up-n-down. ,,May I just say you look exquisitely ravishing today." She rolled her eyes and sat down. ,,We have the book. Now, will you finally share how did you get here?" She was like that. But that's what you get from living on a ship all your life. A shitty behaviour and poor social skills. Unlike him. Oh he was so sure he was the most social and charming out of their little group. Well, Maybe Athos was even more charming. That depends.

,,No, I don't think I will"
White sleeves of her shirt brushed against the bartop and she made a sound of disgust. ,, That's sickening. You put your head on this?" He chuckled. ,,Don't be like that. I know what you eat. All that fish is like thrice more disgusting than this." Then they just sat there. In silence, Konos drinking his beverage, Meya just watching him, tracing the adornments on the book cover.
Then he broke the silence. ,,Do you really want to know how I got here?" He turned to her, only to be met by her gaze.
,,Of course." She nodded.
He scoffed at that. ,,Why can't you ask Athos?"
,,You know why" she answered, before turning to the bartender and ordering something to drink.
,, Listen. We can be here all night. I'll beat the answers out of you." She shrugged, sipping her drink.
,,I know." He nodded.
,, Then you know that you have to answer."
,,I fought tougher guys than you."
,, Hardly." She laughed.
,, It's true"
,,Did they have the royal training?"
,,They didn't need it"
,,Just answer. It's easier"
He sat there, watching the ice in his glass slowly melt away.
,,....fine" he nodded.

Konos' diary

Day 5 06:43 (in the morning)

Athos has always been a bit too kind for his own good. Maybe it's just my opinion. But many people tried to take advantage of that. It wasn't that he was stupid. No. He just wasn't able to see the bad in others.
When he met me, he didn't see me as a murderer. He's seen me as a possible friend who just happened to be threatening him with a knife.

This particular morning he told me we're friends. I don't think that's true. He is my travelling companion. Only a way to escape to adventures. Clearly not a friend.

Day 5 07:05 (obviously still in the morning)

We were on the market street, pacing around different stands and dodging people. Mine and his faces were covered scarfs with and we had bags on our backs. I stopped to buy some bread, because we were going to travel for a long time. It was a good bread. I knew the baker for years. Otker Chamberlock, you know, the guy I already mentioned last year. I helped him with some "dirty business".

Day 5 07:51 (yes, still in the morning)

Soon enough we got to the edge of the forest. Only borders were parting us from the Red Woods.
It shouldn't be too hard, considering how often the guards see me. Athos is complaining about how long this is taking.

He clearly never went on a headhunting trip. I don't think I can tolerate his whining much longer.

Day 5 08:39

I am officially going crazy. Athos won't shut up. I had to give him the bread to stop him from talking. Please please please let this trip be over.

Anyways, the guards let us through. Well, technically they didn't do it willingly but the result is the same. We're in the Red Woods.  Athos is freaking out as I'm writing this.

Day 5 09:59

It's bad. It's really bad. We got attacked midway through the forest. Did I mention Pantoran's people don't like me? Well they don't. I might or might not have killed one of their royal family members.

I think I saw them in the forest watching us. I don't feel safe at all. Athos doesn't know anything. I won't be telling him anytime soon.

Day 6 07:43 (in the morning)

For personal reasons I had to remove most of yesterday's record. I'll try to sum it up.
We met Pantoran. He's still the same funny guy. What can I say, red woods elves are amusing. He helped us get through the Red Woods without dying. However Athos got hit by some curse which made him feel sick. Pantoran doesn't want to tell me what curse was it. I hope it's nothing serious.

We then continued our little adventure trip. Pantoran joined us.

Day 6 12:54

We finally got to the witche's den. It's super messy in here. She had some nasty Mudbottom infestation. They looked a little weirder than usual. I'll sketch them later.
Athos sill feels sick.

Day 7 10:11

Athos isn't getting better. He keeps vomiting and dark circles under his eyes are deepening.
I'm getting worried. Pantoran mentioned some kind of a cure.
We left the den.

Day 12 00:46

I fucked up.

Day 19 06:44

Athos is dying. The cure didn't help.

Day 27 00:00

I had to continue without them. They'll understand.

Day 33 12:40

I met a pirate named Meya. She knows Athos. Maybe she can help.

She told me her 'friend' knows some book that might be useful. I just hope they'll get it in time.

Day 51 19:06

I just received a letter from Meya. She has the book, but the travel will take her few days.

The Queen found out I'm not in the castle. The guards are after me. I'll obey her orders. All she's asking for is another cultist group elimination. Maybe I'll have to refresh my medicine skills and pray to gods everything will go as planned.

Day 53 22:57

I just finished the job. As expected, nothing went as planned. The usual. They wanted to 'live'. Apparently they were doing this whole cultist thing because of 'greater good'. Bullshit.

Anyways, I'm back in the bar in which I met Meya at. She should be here soon.

I hope she didn't lie.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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