chapter 5-we need to talk

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{(y/n)'s pov}
After killing myself by jumping off a flight of stairs, I thought that would take me out of the game or at least kill me. Nope, It didn't take me out of the game or kill me. It reset the game, causing me to return to 428's office. Then I realized something you can't die. All it does is reset "fuck" I whispered to myself. I walked out of the office expecting the narrator to say anything but nothing, but then again, I never really played the Stanley parable, so I don't know if this is normal so. I tried leaving, but then a brick wall showed up "(y/n). We need to have a serious conversation. As a matter of fact, this serious talk needs the serious room," the narrator said "wait, what's the serious room-"I didn't even finish my conversation when I was teleported to a  different room. The room had a  light bulb hanging on the ceiling in the middle, and a table had a shaded window. Next to the window was the door "listen, we need to talk about what happened when you tried to hurt yourself, "the narrator said, "it confused me too. I can remember that reset; I had gone through the same ending with Stanley, and I forgot about it, but with you, I didn't." the narrator said he was even confused about it "okay to cut it short you are not going to die under my watch understand" the narrator said I nodded then that game restarts

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