The most powerful queen

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~3rd Person~
It was April 20th,1546, when baby Natalie was born at the palace of placentia, she was the only daughter to be born from Mary Tudor, when her mother was pregnant Henry was furious but he was hoping it would be a boy just in case something happened to Edward but when Natalie was born he was extremely disappointed. That didn't bother Mary though Natalie was her pride and joy and loved her with all her heart.

While growing up Mary taught Natalie everything she needed to know,even when Mary became queen and married Phillip, she never stopped her teachings. Natalie learned Latin, Catholic practices even Protestant teachings as well for her safety no matter how much she hated it.

She was mothers daughter, if anyone said something bad about her she would get protective and tell guards and they would arrest them.

Sadly when Natalie was about 12-13 Mary died and she was given the crown, but she didn't want it yet so she went ahead and gave her aunt the crown, She went to France afterwards and was to be married to Francis the prince of France when she came of age.

They got married but only had miscarriages,Francis then died and she was betrothed to the young prince Henry.

They got married in the future and had two kids, Victoria and George. Elizabeth died at 1603 and James became king before be removed by both the people of Scotland and England as they wanted the princess of England to be queen.

Natalie became queen of England in 1604,she was the queen of England,Ireland,Scotland, and France.She was said to be dangerous and powerful, known as the most powerful monarch in history.

When she became queen she claimed she could see the spirits of the 6 wives of Henry 8th, and she was, Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn visited a lot along with Jane Seymour. The others she met while living except for Katherine Howard who she never met in life or death. They all warned her that her reign would end in tragedy like every Tudor monarch ever.

15 years later she was said to have tried and killed her husband and was put in the Tower of London, she was executed August 15th,1614, and her daughter Victoria became queen.

Victoria was queen for 63 years,then her son Edward was king, his son George V was king, then George VI was king,and then Elizabeth II was queen.

Natalie's bloodline was one of the greatest things in the world till this day. She was her mothers,aunts,and grandmothers greatest revenge.

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