Chapter- 1

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The cab entered the well known lane of my parents' house, which I left 7 years ago and the fragrance of the familiarity surrounded me like a warm blanket. The neighbourhood reminded me of my soft and cheerful childhood. It reminded me of old good times when I was just a child, with no worries surrounding me. A small smile covered my lips, without me being aware of it.

My eyes involuntary moved to the house and I realised, My heartbeat was on a rollercoaster, legs were noodles and palms were taps of sweat. I was excited and nervous at the same time.

Taking a deep breath to calm my overly excited nerves I rubbed my palms on the side of my jogger jeans as I stepped out of my taxi after it pulled in front of their porch. Bidding the taxi off I turned to face the house I recognised as my safe place.

It was a two storey building with white walls and copper tented roof, the porch was decorated with two snake plants-one each side- in two beautiful large brown clay pots.
The garden in front now was completely covered by plants -mostly trumpet vines- along the edges of the quadratic boundary of the house. I looked up to gaze at the second floor and it also was still the same. I could see that my room's balcony was still furnished with a small couch and the glass wall around it was still intact. My balcony was a quadratic area closed behind those glass walls. It's flooring was done with plywood and the railings were made up of oak wood painted in white. Everything in this house was still the same as I left it 7 years ago. The smile on my lips was permanent now, everything here made me smile just like it did when I was a child.

Bringing my eyes down on the brown mahogany door I heaved a deep breath and stepped towards the porch. Reaching the door I pressed the bell and waited for the door to open. A small breathy chuckle left my lips when I heard the tune of the door Bell's ring, it still had the same weird tune me and Cade made while we were playing with mom's keyboard. It felt nostalgic and helped my nerves to calm down. I scanned around the garden as i waited for the door to open. It was still well maintained and dad even after being an absolute addict to gardening had somehow seemed manage to follow the only four non- medicine plant law. The smile turned into giggle as I scanned the garden again and again.

My eyes went to the door when it clicked. “John I'm telling you if you did not-” mom appeared in front of me, getting the door. She wasn't focused on who was on the door and I took the moment to read her. She still was the same beautiful and soft woman as I remembered her. However her brunette hair now had some grey strands in them, her small slim body was now stiffer, maybe due to work stress. I could see the now growing wrinkles near her eyes and jawline. She's getting older. A sad voice in me spoke and it struck me hard as a slap on the face. Her face turned to the door and eyes met mine as she stopped ranting whatever she was saying to dad.

“Ohh my !!!! Olly!!!” Her tired blue eyes sparked with the light of surprise. Those eyes….. How similar to mine.

“Hi mom.” I gave a small wave with a small smile playing on my lips. My other hand is holding my luggage tightly.

“Sweety!! You are- OMG!! It's a beautiful surprise!!!!” She yelled at the top of her lungs, embracing me in a quick hug. I smiled with a little awkwardness, aware of the fact that this happiness is not for long. She'd be sad once….

“Olly!!! My princess!” My dad's voice reached my ears breaking the chain of my thoughts. I smiled at my dad and took him in. He looked the same he was 7 years ago, his green eyes had that shine in them. I couldn't pinpoint the feeling in them but I was sure oxytocin was on its max release in his system. His black hair was still intact, no grey strands; a smile made its way to my lips at the thought of having my hair still intact like him in my mid 50’s, yeah I had his hair. I smiled and pulled out my arms for him to hug me out tight. I missed his hugs, the most, mom's cupcakes following close behind. He hugged me tight enough to cut half of my air supply. A feeling of being home spread through my chest. I smiled brightly…. A genuine smile. I closed my eyes and let my anxiety slip away with his hug. I missed him…. I missed everything.

“Olly!!!” I was pulled away from my father's embrace with a jerk and was pushed in another tight hug. A giggle left my lips at my brother's action. He held me tighter then dad had, I knew the reason behind it, but let slide to nothingness and hugged my brother tightly. After waiting for a few moments for him to leave me and push me out of his embrace I patted his shoulder to ask him to leave me. He pulled out immediately and scanned my face with his very similar blue eyes. Cade and I shared the same facial features. We both had leather black hair and blue eyes. We both had small round noses and lush lips. He was just like my male version in looks, people usually confused us as twins. He was just a year older than me so it made not much of a difference.

"Are you alright?" He cupped my face and scanned my face intently.
"I'd be if you stop squeezing my cheeks." I said in my pout which clearly was his doing. He chuckled in amusement and pulled his hand away shaking his head gently.

"Now am I going to spend my night out here on the porch or are you guys letting me in?" I raised an eyebrow and looked at each of them one by one. They chuckled, shaking their heads and without any further delay dad took my luggage in and my brother took me inside.

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