How you two meet

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Preference 1

Finney Blake- You two meet in Science Class, It was your first day back after summer. You were late for School because of your stupid alarm clock didn't go off.

I woke up on the first day back to school I looked over to my alarm clock and see that it reads 8:56 and school started at 9:00. Shoot I say I get up fast and starts to change in to my outfit that I picked the day before I hurried into the bathroom and brushed my hair and brush my teeth before running downstairs and grabbing an apple on the way out the door. I started running for school and I have finally made my way to school I run to the office and get a late slip from the person at the front desk I thank them and start walking to my first class of the day. I make it to class B4 which is Science Class. I walk into the Class and everyone in the class turn and look at me but I just start to walk to the teacher. I hand him the late slip and start to head to the first open seat I sit down and I look to see who's the person beside me. It was a boy who was curly hair and brown eyes he looked so pretty and calm.
I say hi to him and he say hi back I start to smile like a idiot and i'm pretty sure he saw me.

Robin Arellano—

You met Robin during a fight he was in,

You start to make your way to school you were walking beside your best friend Finney Blake he has been your best friend for your whole life. You and him were talking about something for school and then you both hear a lot of yelling. You started to run where the yelling was coming from and Finney was following you. You saw a big group of people circling around two people that were about to fight you pushed through the crowd and made it to the front you saw Robin Arellano and Moose.

Me and Moose were about to fight because he was sh!t talking and I wasn't going to have it. Me and him started to fight I was on top of him beating him up until I caught my eye on someone I got off him and started to walk away from the fight still remembering that girls face she was a dream of a life time.

I was watching the fight and Robin was on top of Moose beating the sh1t out of him but then Robin looked up and me and him made eye contact. After that he got off of Moose and started to walk away. I went back to Finney and me and him started to walk to school.

Bruce Yamada—
You two met at the baseball game that Finneys team and Bruce team was playing against each other.

I was cheering for Finneys team. It was Finneys turn to pitch against Bruce Yamada I have always liked Bruce I mean who wouldn't. Finney has strike out Bruce two times and all he needed was to strike Bruce out one more time, I see Finney look in to the crowd and I see that he saw Donna I knew that Finney liked Donna so let's hope that he doesn't get to distract. Finney was throwing the ball but then Bruce got a home run. I saw that Finney got upset Bruce was running to get to home base and me and him made eye contact he winked at me and I started to smile and blush. He ran to his teammates and they started to celebrate there win. After the game I go up to Finney and we start to talk and then I feel a hand tap on my shoulder it's Bruce
Hey Bruce whats up I say
Not much how are u? Bruce say
I'm good I say we start to talk for a while until Finney interruption and says  we have to go I say bye to Bruce and walk away.

Vance Hopper—

You got a job at the grab and go, it was your first day at the job.

I decided to wake up early so I don't be late for my first day at my new job I wore a basic outfit jeans and a crop top. I was walking to the Grab and go when I see my friend Donna I ran up to her and we started to talk all the way to the grab and go we both say bye and go are separate ways. I walk into the grab and go and go to the register and just sit there reading a comic. The first couple customers walk into the door none of them catch my eye until a boy walks in and comes up to me and places a 10 dollar bill on the counter.

I walk into the grab in go to play pinball I go up to the counter and place my 10 dollar bill on the counter can I get some quarters I say, I heard a sweet voice and look up to see a pretty girl counting the quarters in her hand I have never seen her work here before. She gives me the quarters and I walk over to the pinball machine I put one quarter in the pinball machine and start playing.

Billy Snowwalter—

You met while he was delivering newspapers

I woke up and started to get ready to deliver newspapers, I put my shoes on and go outside and start to set up my bike for the newspapers. I hop on to my bike and start to peddle my way to all the house. My dog starts to run up to someone I see that it's a girl she's really gorgeous I get off my bike and run up the them.

I was out walking to get my mind off the fight me and my parents just had. I was walking and then a dog comes running over to me. I start to pet the random dog and then I see and boy my age running over to me and I'm guessing that it's his dog. Hey I'm sorry about her she gets really crazy when she meets someone new he say oh no it's okay I love dog anyways I reply. Me and Billy I find out his name, starts to talk until he says that he has to continue delivering newspapers. Oh okay hope I see you again I say he says bye and gets on his bike and peddles away.

Word Count— 1148

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