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My loud alarm shakes me awake 'it's time for school'. It's only been three days in Sherwood so far. It has actually been really nice, peaceful. Theres a gorgeous park with a gazebo tucked into it that I've spent the past few day reading in. I think I go after school again.

I pull the covers off and force myself out of bed."uggggghhhhhh" I let out an audible groan. School was my favorite in New York because of all my friends, but here I don't know anyone. All I can rely on today is having a cute outfit. 

I grab a jean skirt, and layer a white turtle neck and pink sweater. Then I slip on my pink converse. I quickly pull half of my hair up and put on lipgloss and finally add a pair of gold hoops before running downstairs.

"WOW, you look prettyyyy" Mayzie awes at the look, and I blush.

"I really hope everyone at school feels the same" I say crossing my fingers.

I practically inhale my cereal because I don't want to be late, and wave goodbye to my sister and Dad. Running out the door I check the directions on my phone and begin to walk that way.

After about ten minutes I see the entrance to the school and walk up the stairs, but turn around quickly as I hear a similar screech. That asshole! I wonder who it is. Some jock or some nerdy kid testing his new wheels.

Im mistaken. I see a gorgeous strawberry blonde exit the car with two other girls who seem to be her posse. 'Holy shit' I feel my heart flutter and immediately turn away, running into the building. She was a girl my body shouldn't do that when I see a girl.

Thoughts fill my head but i'm suddenly snapped back to reality when a hand slides around my waist. 

"Hey girl, the names Kurt, I assume your new here" I place a hand on his shoulder maneuvering him. I've played this game with guys many times before. He smirks and I roll my eyes as he pulls me in.

As I begin to push him off me I hear another very loud voice.

"Get your ass off her Kurt she obviously doesn't want to fuck around with you in the hallway" I turn around and stare at the girl as Kurt runs off. I feel a flush on my cheeks as she holds out her hand.

"Im Heather Chand-"I stop her mid sentence.

"And Ive gotta got, catch ya later" I flip my body around being to walk away. When I feel a soft hand tug my wrist sharply.

"You don't want to be on the wrong side of me" she says gripping my hand.

"Y-yeah Ive got it" I say pulling away my hand again. I have to get away from her or I'll turn into a literal tomato.

She drags me back once more "SHAKE MY GODAMN HAND-" she shouts. I whip around quickly shaking the tall girls hand.

"Good girl, now what's your name?" she says with an snicker

"y/n" I say. She smiles releasing my hand.

"good to meet you y/n, Im sure I'll see you around" Then she walks away.

I slam my head into my locker. 'What the fuck is going on with me'.

I begin my walk down the hall looking at my class schedule."History is in room one thirty eigh-"

I hear a  thud as I bump into the girl in front of me.

"Oh shit i'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I looked up into her brown eyes. She had frizzy brown hair and was wearing a flowery dress. Nerdy, but classy.

"Oh no no no, don't worry, here let me help you" She bent down grabbing I books and schedule at my feet.

"thank you" I smile "Whats your name?"

"Veronica" She sticks out her right hand in a greeting."Seems like you ned some help getting to class?" she laughs as I nod. "Oh great you have history I do too, here follow me!"

I nod and we begin to walk to class conversing about New York, apparently Veronica wants to move there after college.

Slowly she opens the door to the history classroom, and we walk in. I sit down next to Veronica and behind a girl dressed in all green. Somethings stuck in my throat, I cough. The girl in front of me snaps back.

"I'm assuming your new based on the incident in the hallway with Chandler so i'm letting you of the hook this time. But I swear BITCH if you ever breath cough or come anywhere near me I will end you. Got it!" I nod quickly looking at Veronica.

I mouth a is she always like that and am met with a nod. Man I've only met four people at this school, one wanted to get me in bed, one wanted to be my friend, and two were total bitches. Not good stats so far.

Apparently we are starting a project about Rome partnerships are getting passed out and of course I get ram. Veronica gets green girl.

I overhear their conversation "You're actually pretty Veronica under all that nerdy shit, maybe we can fix you, meet me in the bathroom during next period" She seems excited and nods.

I wonder what will happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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