Chapter 9

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The next morning she felt better, she had told Alya her hero days were over, that she no longer would have anything to do with the miraculous especially after she had told her sworn enemy Lila.

At this point she might as well write a list Lila, Hawk Moth (though the mans in jail for life), Chloe, she had feeling Kagami might hate her due to her feelings for Adrien but that was in the past now.

She was up early looking at her abroad scholarship application. She had included everything she needed, her grades, about her and an essay of why she wanted to go see.

Not only that but she had sent off her resume to multiple cafes, restaurants and stores close to her though she had made sure to write that she wouldn't be moved there till next month so not even in two weeks from now.

To be honest Marinette felt giddy at the thought of moving to a new city she had always wanted to see the world, though the most dangerous part of America was definitely not on the top of her list, that was for sure.

Looking around her room she would definitely miss the pink walls, the constant smell of vanilla and baked goods and being able to steal a treat or two from the bakery when she was hungry but most importantly her parents she had thought it through, this was for the best.

She practically had a full plan: she was flying to America and after landing would head to her new home, then take a quick detour to Tibet using the miraculous and come back but if Gotham was as dangerous as people said it was, the detour would be just after her flight.

Looking down at the cardboard boxes that needed assembling she got to work. The kwami's were out of the box looking around Paris for what would be one of the final times they would all be together, for who knows how long.

Building box after box all she had to do was start filling them in, looking at the time it nearly lunch, going into the kitchen she saw her mom getting thighs ready, pulling out plates and cutlery she set the table.

Sabine had noticed her daughter's presence and still they remained working in a quiet yet comforting silence as the mother and daughter prepared a meal for their family.

Tom soon came up and took a seat at the small kitchen bench across from where his daughter and wife sat. That lunch they talked, laughed and ate like a normal day not as though within a few weeks everything that has been normal for the past 16 years.

Filling in a few of her boxes she looked over at Tikki and Plagg who were watching Brooklyn nine - nine, it was the episode with the first halloween heist and it was one of her favourites and that was how she spent her evening filled with laughter, family and the feeling of home.

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