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    Author's Note: Hello people, I just wanted to say that this is a fictional story but some of the events are based off of real-life things.

    Also, you may or may not have read my other story, The World Beyond, but the same rules that I placed there apply here. No swearing or trash talk, please and thank you. If you disagree with what I write, do not openly make rash comments, but please tell me and I would be willing to have a conversation regarding your concerns if that would be helpful. Constructive criticism is welcome, whether it is about the plot/story line or the opinions I make in this book or grammar mistakes and/or structure errors.

    I have already said this, but I would again like to make it clear. This is a fictional story, but some of the events are based off of real life. Every point that I make in this book regarding faith will be an opinion that I believe to be true, and will not be convinced otherwise unless somewhere you can absolutely prove it.

    Have fun reading, and don't be shy about putting your opinions out there!

    Amy was running again. She had always claimed that she loved the thrill of being chased, but there was something bone-chilling that shivered through her spine every time she did it. Especially since the officers that were chasing her were getting much closer this time.

    Would she make it?

    Of course she would, what was she thinking? She had done this so many times now that it was almost second nature to her.

    Sure, it probably wasn't the best choice ever, but how else was she supposed to live? Walking through the streets every day, begging for nickels and dimes? No way would she ever resort to that. It was shameful. And she had somewhere else to be than here, being rounded about by cops.

    Amy rounded the corner, starting a pattern to lose them in a crowd somewhere. She quickly wound her way through the masses of people, trying not to lose her bearings. The police were getting smarter. It was getting harder and harder to lose them every day.

    The cops seemed to give up, she was safe for another while. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding in. Throwing back her hood, she pulled her shoulder-length auburn hair around her face. She had to get rid of this hoodie, or else the police could recognize her. She tossed it into a trash can, far away from her 'home'.

    Alright, let's go divide the spoils, she thought, taking a route that would lead back to where her little sister was sheltering. She'd better have stayed there, or else she would have a fit. It had taken her so long to get one measley loaf of bread, it had better be worth it.

    Author's Note: Okay, so a bit different than the stuff that I would normally say that I write, but I'm liking it. It was very short, so I guess this can be the prologue and I'll write chapter 1 soon. Ciao!

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