Chapter 1

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*~hero pov~*

  Pow with that punch glitch went flying 3 storys away thud as they hit the ground "FUCK! That hurt." They shout but it sounded different? I slowly got closer still really confused "are you alright?!" I said as I flew to where the villain would be, but when I got to see I couldn't believe my eyes. "You're a GIRL?!" I said in disbelief of what my eyes saw, I always saw them wait no her with a cloak on "shit" she mumbled as her navy blue eyes widened in shock and slowly backed up "why is it any of your concern?!" She shouted at me, my face turned a light shade of pink "I didn't mean it like that, I just never knew" I said defensively "my bad" I said not looking at her bam she threw a right hook, picked up her cloak, put it on, and vanished into the distance, All while I just stood there shocked.

✨Le time skip✨
-back at the heroes base-

  "Elias!" I shouted getting my assistant's attention "Yes Sir?" He asked calmly "Glitch is a girl" I said still a little shaken "Wait really? Well that's interesting no doubt" he said turning back to the computers mumbling "I wonder where she learned how to fight like that?" 'welp I'm going to go get some food I'm starving.' I thought walking off

✨Glitch's pov✨ ~ her hideout ~

  "Maldito idiota de héroe, rompió mi cambiador de voz en la máscara" I said pissed while placing it down on my desk and going to put up my cloak "Por qué es tan ignorante? Me cabrea más allá de lo creíble" I said talking to myself 'I should take a nap to get my mind off the events of earlier' I thought laying down on my bed.


btw it means "Damn asshole of a hero, he broke my voice changer in the mask" "Why is he so ignorant? It pisses me off beyond belief"
Word count: 334

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