2nd moment--if David had told him the truth

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"No... D-Day!" Exer shouted and ran to catch up with David. "Wait!!! David!!! David!!!"

"David!!!" Again, and took his arm. Day brushed him away roughly. "Buzz off!!!" He said
He was tremendously pissed off with everything that was going on. How could his best friend date his sister behind his back? I mean, it wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the crush David felt for him.

"I swear to God!!! I was gonna tell you!!! But things went wrong and I-" Exer was desperate for David's forgiveness

"So what? You still lied to me!" Were there...tears in his eyes? "And out of everyone... It had to be my sister, right?!"

"David..." Exer started "Listen... I know how-"

"No!!! You DON'T know!!!" David was so freaking frustaded, he just wanted to scream and cry "You don't know the half of it, Exer!"

"I'd be also mad if my best friend and sister were-"

"It's not about that!"


"If only that was the case"

"W-what? Then what's going on? I don't know what you mean-"

"I mean that I..."

David looked deep into his best friend's eyes and instantly blushed. He just wanted... he just wanted to be able to love him

"You... what?"

"Why can't him just get it???" David thought and started to cry "I LIKE YOU!" He yelled "H-holy sh*t..."

Tears were streaming down his face as he watched Exer stare at him completed red and in shock.

"I-..." Exer cleared his throat and swallowed hard "I..." he exited and cried

"You what?" David said through his tears. he couldn't see straight because of them, couldn't even breathe or calm down.

"I..." Exer could not form words. so it was by the way of actions

he threw himself on top of David's soft lips, in an awkward peck. he put his hands on his waist and tried to caress him during the kiss

Day, for his part, was so surprised he could hardly think. he just closed his eyes and tried to enjoy it, forgetting why he was crying and being so agitated.

but as all good things are short-lived, they ran out of air and they had to separate. their cheeks were so flushed and they both had their faces wet with tears

David chuckled and looked to the side and back to Exer

he suddenly remembered brenda... but not about the mess, rather that she could have been watching them all this time and...

Brenda materialized beside him.

"I know what you are"

moments----dexerWhere stories live. Discover now