Part 4:The makeover

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Pat went to the local salon to get glammed up, you see to compete with nanny plum was a big challenge.

Nanny plum was the whore of the town, she got with every man she saw because she had a fat nyash, her face was wrinkly as Donald trump's fat rolls, so I guess it was her personality as well.

When I walked into the salon I was met with the grand old elf

"What can I get for you hunny bun" said the grand old elf, his voice sounded like he smoked 50 a day and then inhaled straight up piss.

"I want a glow up" said pat "bob cheated on me, so I want to win him back, and also kill nanny plum-"

Grand old elf gasped, clicking his 50 foot acrilic nails across the table "This is on the house girl, that bitch cheated on me a few years back now, her nyash might be fat but the bitch smelt like the aftermath of a nickacardo avocado muckbang video" he laughed

Pat smiled and sat in the hair salon chair,  pulling his wallet out of his bra (he has fake breast inplants).

After 72 hours (this bitch was ugly AF), pat now looked beautiful! (See reference image)

After 72 hours (this bitch was ugly AF), pat now looked beautiful! (See reference image)

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Pat looked at himself in his compact mirror and applied some lip stick

"let's go snack a bitch up."

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