Chapter Four

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An hour later, the loud ringing of a class change bell splits through Charley and Sam’s bickering. They’ve been going at it all period, arguing over even the slightest things. I’m starting to wonder if they used to go out. Maybe I’ll ask Charley later, as she’s invited me to eat lunch with them.

I pick up my purse off the floor and walk to meet Addy at the door.

“So how do you like your seat?” I ask.

“Are you kidding? Did you see where that woman put me? I’m between a mouth breather and a boy with a gap in his two front teeth,” Addy groans. I laugh, knowing that Addy hates the sound of mouth breathing almost as much as she hates looking at someone with a gap in their teeth.

“Well, at least you’re not listening to two bitter exes argue for the whole hour,” I reply as we wander out into the hallway. When the two of us get out into the corridor, we realize we have no idea where we’re headed. Addy looks blankly at her map, and I consult the schedule. We’re looking at each other worriedly when suddenly I feel a strong hand rest on my shoulder. I turn to see Logan standing behind me. How does he seem to keep showing up everywhere?

“Need some help finding your classes?” he asks rhetorically.

“Yeah… I have Mr. Brighton next,” Addy says.

“…And I have French with Madame Bateau,” I finish. Logan points to the right of us, toward the end of the hallway.

“Brighton’s room is just down there, three doors down on the right,” he tells Addy, “but Madame Bateau is way over in the west wing. I’ll walk you there, I’ve got time,” he adds to me.

“Sure, I’d love that. I have NO idea where I’m going.” I reply gratefully. Addy winks at me and waves goodbye before heading off toward the end of the hall. Logan places his hand casually on my back and directs me through the sea of navy blazers headed off to their next classes.

“So, where’re you from?” he questions.

“Most recently, we lived in Raleigh, North Carolina, but I’ve moved like a thousand times before, so…”

“Wow, what’s it like always moving from place to place? I’ve lived in London since I was 3.”

“You get used to moving after a while. But the problem is, it never feels like you have a real home. It’s just the place you’re at. If you ask me where I’m from, I don’t really know.” Whoa, where’d that come from? I’ve never thought of it like that before. That just kind of… came out? Was it too much?

“I kind of know how you feel about the ‘where are you from’ aspect of it. I never know if I’m ‘from’ London, because I grew up here, or Dublin, because I was born there.”

“Yeah, exactly!” I exclaim, a little too enthusiastically, maybe. We fall into a silence, but it’s not, well, uncomfortable. Logan guides me around corner after corner, up two flights of stairs, and even across an open yard with scattered benches and tables. Finally, we make it to the Foreign Language wing, where Madame Bateau’s classroom is the first door in the hall. Before going in, I turn to Logan.

“Thanks so much for helping me out.”

“Anytime. Meet me outside this wing right after class and I’ll help you find your way to the cafeteria,” he smiles warmly.

“Alright, it’s a date, then.”  Wait, what? Did I just say that? I just used the term ‘it’s a date’? Kill me now. “Well, I mean, you know… yeah, I’ll meet you after class,” I stumble. Logan chuckles and nods before waving and walking off down the corridor. I take a deep breath and walk into the room.

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