beam of sunlight

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We find hope in a mother's eyes.
In that look she gives her innocent child.
In those heart wrenching tears she sheds while the world sleeps peacefully.
In that smile she smiles when all she wants to do is bury herself alive.
In that loving look she gives her significant other.
In her honest prayer.
The soldier in a battlefield,
We find hope there too.
When he takes up the gun fighting to his death.
Just so that his kinsmen shall live in health and wealth.
The birds that leave the nest at dawn
empty bellied.
Only to come back at dusk satiated of thirst and hunger.
In the first word of the baby when it cries 'mama'.
In the continuous rising and setting of the sun.
In the seasons as they fade into one another.
In the lover who loves in vain.
There is hope everywhere you just have to look hard enough.
And as someone once told me 'where there is hope there is life'.
It is that beam of sunlight .

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