The madatory beach episode pt1

19 1 0

"A beautiful day in Devon sun beaming you can expect around 19 degrees a beautiful day"
The man over the radio said.

10 idiots sat in a suspicious looking white van that was could barely could fit them all let alone the junk they bought with them.
"Please stop sending me pp very hard I can't take this anymore" Ellie pleaded
"Lol too bad"Serena remarked
"Stop I will block you"Ellie threatened
"No you can't" plead dragging out the o in no
"Who Evers amazing idea was to put me on a booster seat I will personally nuke your house"Ieuan threatened but no one actually took him too seriously due to his size and the fact he was currently in a booster seat.
"Also who the fuck is driving this car?"ieuan questioned once more
"Guess who bitches!" Yelled jack from the front of the van
"I'm not sure if letting jack drive was a good idea"he stated,"knowing him he might drive us off a cliff"
"Don't disrespect my husband!" Phoenix yelled from behind.
"Since when did vans have windows"Leah questioned silently.
"I don't know I think one of these idiots installed them"Jacob stated
"Good poi- wait I thought you we in front of the van?"Leah panicked
"No I was always in the back" Jacob confirmed calmly
"Hold up, if your in the back we're the fuck is Ciaran?"Phoenix butted in
Everyone that was currently in the back of the van turned there head to look at the front of the van

"We're really gonna die today" Candi snarked looking back down at the AO3 story she had been previously reading.
"We're ashwin?!?" Serena panicked
"He's in the boot"Ciaran yelled back
"Since now apparently" Ellie responded
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS CAR!"serena yelled even louder this time
"CLEANING UP!" Ashwin yelled from the boot in a high pitched voice.
Everyone in the van (idk if it even is a van at this point) screamed in fear thinking it was mrs gale chasing after them on the freeway before realising it was just ashwin and calming down
"What the actual fuck bro"Leah groaned
"I think my soul just left you body"phoenix suggested

" is that heaven" phoenix gushed looking out the window "I never thought I would be going to heaven"
"That's just the beach"Candi informed reviving this information she promptly flopped nearly falling though the window. Sliding the van door open the warm beams of the summer sun hit them they all stepped out the van. Ellie then promptly falling over and taking phoenix and Serena down with her all three of them falling onto the slightly sandy grass.
"I swear I can stand up properly I swear it!" Ellie cried still on the floor. As for Phoenix
And Serena they had already gotten up and dusted themselves off. When Ellie eventually picked herself up.

Everyone made there way to a pink beach hut you could clearly tell who owned the hut because on the colour it was and the flowers that were dangling on it. Serena proudly Standing in front of the hut blocking the door began " today here we are gathered all under one rule that being me of corse to have our mandatory beach episode" she declared in front of the 9 people in front of her just wanting to change and use the beach hut for its intended purpose

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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