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A single thought waved away a storm at hand, but it decided to come back as a hurricane.

Darkness surrounded Blue and Yellow Diamond whilst they sat down in their thrones. They waited for their "gift" to arrive. Yellow was impatient, eyes closed, arms crossed over her chest and a leg crossed over the other. Blue was conflicted, staring incredulously towards the illuminated circle on the floor ahead of them. They were beautifully lit up by diamond-shaped lights on the floor with their respective colors.

"Do you think that we're going to be given something that will work?" Blue asked, turning her head to the Diamond next to her.

Yellow didn't respond.

"Will this live up to our expectations?"

No response once more.

Blue knew that this was contemplation. She remembered the days that Yellow would stay quiet for minutes to hours at a time to think up something. They were the good days where Homeworld was at its prime. They were the good days where Pink still rummaged around and whined adorably about establishing her place in the Diamond Authority. They were the good days where she was content.

Those days were long since over. Homeworld has been stuck in limbo ever since Pink was shattered by the hands of one Rose Quartz. They were stuck in Era Two with no real developments since colonization stopped on the planet Earth roughly around five-thousand years ago. It was a state of depression, both for the Diamond Authority and the rest of Homeworld seeing all real production come to a halt.

Blue was saddened to great extent and proceeded to lock herself away most of the time in her room. Whenever she talked to Yellow, she was only greeted with a husk of what was once there. Now, she was nothing but a Diamond shrouded in anger and hate. Oh, how she wished to finally see what it used to be again. She had forgotten what it felt like.

Blue turned to look at Yellow again. Her eyes, downcast, softened.

"Would this even help anything?" Asked Blue.

"Vengeance," answered Yellow.

The answer startled Blue not because Yellow answered so suddenly, but because of her tone. It wasn't her monotone pessimism that established once Pink was shattered. No, this, to Blue's surprise, sounded like arrogance. An arrogance that defined her character back when Homeworld was in its prime. It was arrogance that sparked competition between her and Blue, competition that once made Blue smile so happily back then. It was one great and beautiful Diamond Authority.


Yellow opened her eyes, but she stared into the abyss past the lit up floor ahead of them. "Did I stutter, Blue?"

For a moment, Blue kept her mouth closed. Then she sighed, turning to look back forward. "No, you didn't."

"Thought so. You know I don't like to repeat what I say."

Blue shifted her gaze downwards. She knew exactly why Yellow wanted vengeance in this specific way. She wanted to bring justice to Pink's shattering with her direct order. Blue herself wanted this, too, but was it worth it? The Cluster they have worked on is surely close to finally emerging and destroying Earth once and for all. All of the terrible memories and those who caused it will be no more.

Why Yellow was so adamant on letting it be a direct order that gives her closure? She wished she could know. If she was honest, it felt like this would only stay in one's mind for longer.

But of course they couldn't be able to forget it either way, no? Earth caused Pink's shattering. They caused Pink's shattering. They have been trapped in their minds for eons and they will stay trapped for eons more to come, now that they were still around.

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