'Relationship' Problems

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"oh shit" Narcissa thought.
Here she was, Alice's hands in her hair and Alice on her lap. If Her parents found out about this she'd be dead. She felt teeth on her bottom lip and a tug on her tie

"Can I?" -Alice

"Alice I-..." -Narcissa

"You aren't ready?" -Alice

"No, I am! I so am! Just.. what if My parents find out..?" -Narcissa

"They won't. I promise" -Alice

"Then yes, You can" -Narcissa

Alice removed Narcissa's tie, pushing her down and tying her wrist together then removing her own tie and tying Narcissa's wrist to the bedframe while kissing and sucking on her neck

"Merlin Alice-" Narcissa moaned as Alice slightly grinded on her

The door opened. Narcissa's reaction was to full out shove Alice off of her but her hands were tied

"Narcissa I-" -Andromeda

Alice threw herself off of her friend with benefits

"Andromeda-" Narcissa was so embarrassed

"It's okay. Just don't tell Dad and Mom about Ted?" -Andromeda

"Me and Alice aren't like that. She's only a friend, No romantic shit." Narcissa insist

Andromeda nods and leaves the room, Locking the door behind her

Narcissa sees Alice untying her hands quickly

"Are you okay Fortescue?" Narcissa asked

Alice got the tie off Narcissa wrist and put it on

"I just have to leave." Alice replied

"What? Why?" Narcissa sits up, putting her tie back on

"Because I'm screwing other people too, not just you" Alice leaves Narcissa's dorm

Narcissa knew Alice was upset with her because Alice doesn't get sarcastic like that when she's not upset, But she didn't understand why she was upset. Narcissa didn't lie to Andromeda.

Narcissa followed Alice out the dorm

"Alice Wait!" Narcissa said

"Stop following me" Alice replied

"What's wrong?" -Narcissa

"You shouldn't even care, We're just fucking, Remember? No romantic shit" -Alice

"You're my friend!" -Narcissa

"Well I don't want to be!" -Alice

Narcissa froze, Alice noticed but kept walking.

"You don't want to be?" -Narcissa

Alice was to far to hear Narcissa now

Narcissa was so confused, She really didn't see what she did wrong. Did Alice want her to lie to Andromeda? What did Alice want her to say? Narcissa watched Alice walk untill she disappeared.

"What Did I Do?" -Narcissa thought

The next day

Narcissa walks into Regulus's Dorm

"Narcissa! Learn to knock!" -Reg

"I need help." -Narcissa

"With what?" -Reg

"Alice is mad at me and I don't know what I did wrong-" -Narcissa

"Oh don't get me started with all your sappy-" -Reg

"Regulus, Please!" -Narcissa

"Bloody Hell Narcissa! What even happened?" -Regulus

"Andromeda walked in on us.. kissing, and I told her that me and Alice are just friends, Which we ar-were, and She stormed off and said she didn't want to be my friend when I asked what was wrong" -Narcissa

"Maybe you hurt her feelings or something, Barty tells me that sometimes I'm insensitive without realizing, Maybe you are too." -Reg

"But I don't understand, I just told the truth?" -Narcissa

"Well, Maybe she wanted you to lie." -Reg

"But why? I don't see why I would lie about that. Staying out of a relationship keeps me out of trouble" -Narcissa

"I don't know Narcissa, I'm not Alice." -Reg

"I know, I just don't understand her." -Narcissa

"I don't understand sappy love stuff either" -Reg

"Do you think she wanted me to follow her last night?" -Narcissa

"What did I just say?" -Reg

"Right. I'm gonna go find Alice" -Narcissa

"What are you gonna do? Apologized for NOT lying?" -Reg

"Whatever makes her forgive me" -Narcissa

"Get out of here with all that sappy feely stuff!" -Reg

Narcissa walks out of Regulus's Dorm and starts walking to Alice's

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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