Road To Greed: Doom Addresses His Action

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Rey Mysterio stares at the camera. He's the first to talk about his selection into the number 1 contenders gauntlet, and after he nearly won the IWA Championship at "Unforgiven," he's ready for a second chance.

Rey: As close as I came to winning, you still walked out as the better man

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Rey: As close as I came to winning, you still walked out as the better man. For now. I struck out, but I'm not going to throw a fit over it. I'll get to show everyone why I'm respected today. When we meet again, there won't be a triple threat, no Joker, just you and me. The last time we were alone, I got the better of you. Next time, you need to watch yourself. It takes one wrong move to lose everything.

The cam fades, and transitions to the arena...


The arena goes black. It sticks for sixteen seconds...

..then a white spotlight beams onto Doom, posing with a mic in his hand!

Huck: Welcome to our bus, we're taking the road to Greed, but before we get there we have stops to make. Doom's out here, and after he showed up during Thor's match with Ryan Wells, what does he have in store for us?

Franklin: Doom took out The Guardians of The Galaxy, getting wins over Drax and Star-Lord, but Thor is a new beast. Is he sure he wants to do this?

Huck: Doom's not just a powerhouse but a strategist. Another disadvantage for those sickos in The Order!

Franklin: ...Yeah, that was disturbing. Seeing them stomp a man out was not how I wanted to spend my Friday night.
Doom takes a few steps forward, and raises his mic, addressing everyone early.

Huck: And here he goes..

Doom: I'm well aware Thor was screwed. That was my intent. Ever since I got here, I stated I would remove these top names from the season. HE is the definition. That's what Wells and I agreed on. Even when Thor thought he had it, we had a Plan B. Another loss for the God of Thunder...but you have a chance to redeem yourself. You've been looking to return to the main event, get the spotlight you've yearned for so long. Face me at 'Greed.'

The crowd cheers at the thought of Thor beating him.

Doom: Show me how mighty you really are.

He lowers the mic and stares into the camera.

Huck: Doom might have sealed his own fate.

Franklin: The challenge is out Huck, and whenever Thor accepts, there's no getting out of it.

Huck: Dooms affiliated with The Order. If Thor wants to win, he needs to think of everything.

— Scorpion Calls Out Negan
— What's Next for Bruno Bamuelos?
— Stark and Spidey vs. The Symbiotes— Winner challenges Project Altitude at 'Greed.'
— Hobbs and Shaw vs. Calvin and Howard Montegne
— Gauntlet: Crash Bandicoot vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Ryan Wells vs. The Joker vs. Waluigi
— Mystery Match: ??? (C) vs. ???
— T.B.A

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