Chapter 3- Rehearsal

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"You kids," he mumbles putting his head in his hand, "you have a performance as the Swans tomorrow it's already scheduled so I recommend joining your group in the rehearsal hall," he added before walking away,
"Let's go," I laugh as I grabbed there hands and pulled them up and out of the room,
"Can someone tell me who's idea it was to create a band when we are already superhero's," Tam says as he looked over the songs we were going to be performing,

"It was my idea," Linh says,

"I love it, it was a great idea," Tam immediately says and we all laugh,

"Where are Keefe and Marella?" I ask,

"Right here," I hear a voice say behind me and turn around to see the exact two people I was talking about,

"Your timing is either amazing or you did that on purpose," I laugh,

"It was on purpose," Marella deadpans as she sits next to Linh and Keefe sits next to me,

"which song are are practicing right now?" Keefe asks,

"This one I think," I say as I show him the lyric paper,

"Help the lead singer doesn't know which song we are doing we are gonna flop" Fitz yells dramatically from his seat next to Dex, causing them both to laugh, while everyone else just ignored the comment

"We should do this song," I says as I pull out a different song,

"Sophie we literally have like 12 hours, stop changing stuff," Tam says,

"But these are so depressing!" I exclaim,

"Oh cry about it," Tam jokes,

"I will," I say with a grin before forcing tears out of my eyes and fake sob,

"Oh I hate you," Tam says as he rolls his eyes,

"What are we gonna do about the fact that people know Tam and Linh are superhero's?" Dex asks like he was pointing out the obvious, which he was,

"They won't be performing," Forkle says from the doorway causing a ruckus from all of us, "it's to much of a risk, it's already a risk with the Neverseen even knowing you were in the band, we don't want to endanger the civilians," Forkle explains after we calm down,

"That...actually makes sense," Linh sighs sadly,

"Let's get back to it then," Dex says trying to get us back on topic of what we were here to do,

My life has been utter chaos with blackouts the past few weeks and I pretty much completely forgot about this so hopefully I will start posting on this story again

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