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It's a few months through the school year, and it's been.. not the best. Me and my boyfriend Eddie have been arguing a lot recently. I didn't really tell anyone, I kept it to myself. But his friends started noticing I was acting different. At the lunch table, I sat silent while everyone talked.
G: "Hey, Y/N. You okay? You seem off these past few weeks."
E: "She's fine."
G: "I asked her, not you Eddie."
E: "And I answered for her, Gareth."
I looked at Gareth and gave him a small frown when Eddie wasn't looking.
J: "You can always talk to us." Jeff chimed in.
D: "Yeah! We're always here for you!" Dustin said.
E: "Guys, she's fine."
M: "Why don't we let Y/N answer us, and not you Eddie."
Eddie hand a handful of food and threw it at Mike.
"Eddie! Knock it off. I can talk for myself." I said as I pushed my lunch tray away.
Eddie then glared at me, and I looked away.
The lunch bell rang, and before I could grab my tray, Gareth grabbed it for me.
E: "Oh, can the little sissy princess not take her own tray?" Eddie nagged.
G: "I don't know what the fuck your problem is Eddie, but she deserves better than you." Gareth said as he threw my tray away. Eddie then grabbed him by his shirt and threw Gareth against the wall.
"EDDIE! FUCKING STOP!" I yelled as I went to pull him off Gareth.
Eddie moved back a little too quickly, striking me in the nose and I fell to the floor.
Fuck. Fuck. My nose is bleeding, and it fucking HURTS.
As I sat up, Jason Carver was coming towards us.
J: "Hey Douchebag! You think it's cool to hit woman?"
E: "I didn't mean to hit her, she was just in my fucking way, asshole." Eddie chimed back.
Patrick, Jason's best friend, then came forward and punched Eddie directly in the face. Jason and Gareth both helped me up, and one of the lunch ladies brought me a wet rag for my bloody nose.
FINALLY the principal comes in, and originally sends me to the nurses office, and then told me to come to his office after. The nurse stopped the bleeding, and gave me a new shirt to wear since mine had blood on it.
I walked into Principal Coleman's office, where Jason, Patrick, Eddie and Gareth were sitting. I took the last seat, which was next to Gareth.
PC: "So, now that Y/N is here. I want her side of the story."
"Me and Eddie have been arguing, and he wasn't letting me speak at lunch. Gareth grabbed my tray for me, and Eddie slammed him against the wall once Gareth defended me. I went to pull Eddie off of Gareth, and he moved a little to quickly and accidentally elbowed me in the nose. That's when Jason and Patrick came in. But they were only defending me." I told Coleman, as tears were welling in my eyes. I didn't want to cry, especially in front of the jocks.
E: "That's such bullshit! Gareth punched Y/N."
"What the fuck? No he fucking didn't Eddie! It's 4 against 1, Eddie. Admit it." I argued back.
Principal Coleman ended up suspending both Eddie and Patrick, leaving me, Gareth and Jason off the hook. He had Gareth and Jason step out because he wanted to take privately.
PC: "Well, Y/N. I need to ask a few things. Is your relationship with Eddie abusive?"
"What? No!"
PC: "You seemed very skittish coming in here."
"He's just an asshole when he's mad. He just becomes controlling, but he has NEVER hurt me." I replied.
Which was true. Eddie was a great guy when we first got together.. but recently things have changed. Principal Coleman called in Ms.Kelley, the school counselor.
Ms.Kelley talked to us and wanted feedback on our relationship. Finally.. Eddie caved.
E: "Alright. The reason i've been a dick is cause i've been hiding something."
MK: "And that would be?"
E: "I got fucked up at a party and cheated on you.. And after that party I continued seeing her."
I froze. My face got extremely red.
"With.. who.." I said as I felt my throat closing.
E: "Chrissy.. That's why she left Jason."
At this point, I couldn't hold it in. The tears started rolling, and Eddie walked out. Ms.Kelley consoled me, and then I went on my way to finish classes. As I walked out I saw Jason sitting by the office.
"Hey, Jason.. Thanks for defending me, like I honestly appreciate it. Why are you still out here?" I asked as I gestured towards him.
J: "I just wanted to make sure you were alright.. he doesn't hurt you does he?"
"No.. Wouldn't matter if he did, we're broken up. For good."
J: "Did he finally tell you?"
"You knew?"
J: "Well.. sort of. Patrick told me that she cheated, but I didn't believe him. I trusted her enough not to cheat.. but I guess I was wrong."
"I felt the same way with Eddie. Guess we have shitty taste."
J: "Ha. Something like that. Here's my family's number, call after school okay?" Jason asked as he handed me a piece of paper.
"Sure thing." I said as I put the paper in my pocket.
I'm just confused on why Jason handed me this.. We've never really communicated with each other.

I got home and ran straight to my room. Everything of Eddie's I wanted gone. I packed up all his clothes, all the cards he wrote me, the rings he gave me, the photos of us, the shirts he bought me, and all the stuffed animals. I taped up the box and wrote his name on it. I went downstairs to call Jason, and there was a knock on my door. I opened the door to see Eddie.
"What do you want?"
E: "Can we please talk about this?"
"Eddie. no. You cheated on me!"
E: "Listen, I didn't mean it."
"Maybe you didn't mean it when you were drunk.. But each time after that!" I shouted. I went upstairs and grabbed the box and handed it to him.
"Now leave."
E: "I feared this would happen.." Eddie walked out and walked back in with a box of my stuff. I was completely shattered, but this is what was best.
I called Jason, and Jason agreed to come over for awhile and hangout:

1092 words

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