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Gareth agreed to take me home, and as we were walking away, Eddie ran up to us.
E: "We have some major problems."
E: "Jason fucked Chrissy."
"Well yeah, they were dating."
E: "No.. Like an hour ago."
"WHAT?" I shouted ad I turned around.
Gareth wrapped his arms around my shoulder and tears were starting to form. Eddie ran up to me and kissed my forehead.
E: "It's okay, princess. You're okay."
Something about him calling me princess always made things better. However this was the second time I was now cheated on, in the span of like what.. a month?
Eddie asked Gareth if he would be okay with coming over to his trailer, Gareth agreed. Gareth drove me over there, and we followed Eddie inside. I didn't expect anything from this. Nothing at all. I figured Eddie was drunk, but he wasn't acting how he normally does when he's drunk. He was coherent and his normal self.. maybe he did only have the one beer.
Gareth ended up leaving, and Eddie offered to take me home.
E: "You should be proud of me.. I only drank one beer."
"I am proud of you." I replied as I twiddled my thumbs around.
E: "Well, if you want to go home, i'll chan-"
"Can I stay with you?" I replied cutting him off.
E: "You don't think Jason will mind?"
"Fuck him. He's clearly not over Chrissy."
E: "Well, princess, you're clearly not over me either."
He was right. I wasn't. But I wanted to be.
"Listen. You're right, i'm not. And I should be, you got ov-"
E:"No I didn't. I didn't get over you. I filled the void." Eddie said as he now cut me off.
I really missed Eddie.
"So.. did you and Chrissy break up?"
E: "Yeah.. we did."
"Guess we have shitty taste, huh." I replied.
Knowing damn well I said the same thing to Jason.
I was getting tired, and I went into Eddie's room and laid on his bed, waiting for him. Eddie came in and handed me an extra blanket.
E: "Here. I know you're always cold." he said as he went to walk out.
"Wait. Sleep with me." I replied as I looked up to him.
He smiled his quirky smile and crawled into bed next to me.

Me and Eddie woke up to loud pounding on his trailer door. We both looked at each other.
E: "Who the fuck would be here?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes.
Then we heard loud voices.
I looked at Eddie and frowned.
"What do we do.." I asked him as I was starting to get more concerned.
E: "I mean. Be honest."
I went up to the door and opened it and saw Jason standing there. He looked rough.
J: "What happened last night?" he asked me innocently. I looked behind him and saw Patrick and Chance.
"Oh yeah. You cheated on me with Chrissy, and told me that us dating is a secret." I responded as I went to the shut the door.
He stopped the door with his hand.
J: "And who told you that I cheated?"
J: "Oh yes. The man you were with who is still obsessed with you."
Jason said as he was getting more aggressive.
Then Eddie stepped in.
E: "Your ex-girlfriend is the one who told me. Maybe you should talk to her about that." He bickered back slamming the door and locking it.
"So you don't know if he actually slept with her..?"
E: "Chrissy doesn't lie." Eddie responded. He was right, she doesn't.
But what if she did. What if she wanted Jason back?

I haven't talked to Jason since Saturday morning. Eddie took me to school today, and I walked in a little before he did. I look ahead of me and see Patrick. I try to walk by and he stops me.
P: "Please let me talk to you." He said as he grabbed my hand.
"What." I responded.
P: "I know for a fact Jason didn't cheat. Maybe Chrissy is just jealous?"
That's what I was thinking.
P: "Jason went to pick you up today, and Billy said you already left."
"Yeah. I figured he wanted nothing to do with me."
Patrick drug me to the athletics room and Jason was sitting their benching.
I walked over to him, and he sat up.
J: "Are we going to talk about this?" he said out of breathe.
"I guess we can. Not sure what to do from here."
J: "I shouldn't of lied to you. I shouldn't of said all the shit I did."
"Lie.. about what.." my heart sank.
J: "Y/N.. me and Chrissy didn't have sex.. but we did make out. I should of just told the truth. But I don't want to hide our relationship. Okay?"
"Okay.." I responded as he kissed me.
Lunch rolled around, and I figured i'd sit with Jason. But as I walk to my seat I see Chrissy sitting there. I look at the Hellfire Club table and Gareth motions me over. I sat across from him, next to Eddie who sat at the end of the table.
I saw Jason walk in and look at me and look at his table. He noticed Chrissy sitting there. I proceeded through lunch like nothing was bothering me. Eddie looked at me as I was still staring over at Chrissy.
E: "Jesus Christ, Y/N! You look like a creep!" He said as he grabbed my hand, helping me get out of my trance.
"It's just.. he said he didn't want to hide our relationship.. and now he's totally not doing anything about Chrissy being at his table." I responded.
Lunch was finished, and Gareth threw my tray away while I grabbed my bag and threw my jacket on. As I throw my bag on, Jason walks over to me.
J: "Let me walk you to your next class, i'm sorry."
I agreed, and Jason walked me. Except he wasn't holding my hand or anything. I tried grabbing his a few time and he swatted my hand away.I was feeling lonely. I missed Eddie.

1052 words

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