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All four kids watched as Prince Ben left before them. However, as soon as the black car had vanished from sight they all looked at one another with confusion. While Prince Ben was explaining everything; none of them wanted to believe what they were hearing. Yet, they knew it was true only because Maleficent herself had declared that it was. Even though they were all wondering the same thing; why had she agree to such a horrid idea?

"Am I the only one who still doesn't understand what just happened?!" Mal asked suddenly as she turned and looked at Jay, Evie, and Carlos.

"No." Jay replied as he shrugged.

Maleficent sighed loudly making all four kids turn and look at her suddenly. As she looked at the kids, Maleficent noticed that they all sent her different expressions. Mal, her own daughter, was looking at her with confusion. Jay was sort of in his world, Evie watched her with wonder and interest, and Carlos, looked at her with an expressionless face.

"You four really don't get what just happened do you?!" Maleficent questioned as she gestured to them while they all shook their heads in protest.

"It's not that we don't get what happened; we do -"Carlos began as he scratched his head in thought and then sighed as well. "- We just don't understand what had just happened." Carlos finished with a frown.

"Simple -" Maleficent began with an evil smile. "You four will be attending Auradon Prep this year instead of Dragon Hall. At Auradon you will do this plan I have going on through my head at the moment." Maleficent finished.

"Plan?" Evie asked with interest. "What plan?"

"A plan so brilliant it will free us all from this horrid isle." Maleficent continued as she began to do her famous evil laugh. Everyone waited till she was done.

"But I thought we could never break through the dome." A voice said suddenly

breaking their conversation while making them all turn and look.

"Oh hello Cruella." Maleficent said with a smile.

Before them stood none other than Cruella De Vil herself. A woman about 5'8 with brown eyes and wild black and white hair had an evil smile on her face. She wore a black shirt with a black and white long fur coat. A red pair of pants was worn along with long black boots. You could almost see the resemblance between her and Carlos.

"Mother what are - ?" Carlos began only to be cut off by Cruella shushing him.

"So about this plan - " Cruella began once more while Carlos sent Mal, Evie, and Jay a look. "I thought it was impossible to break through the dome." Cruella finished with a frown and thought.

"I wouldn't believe that." Mal stated suddenly making everyone look at her. "After all, Carlos had broken through the dome before." Mal explained while indicating to Carlos who was shaking his head and telling her to stop talking.

"What?! Carlos?! Break through the dome?!" Cruella asked with a slight laugh. "Please we all know Carlos isn't smart enough to do that sort of thing." Cruella added while Mal turn to look at Carlos, she noticed he tried to ignore the insult.

"On our behalf though we did go to the Fortress and dealt with many magical things. So magic was on the isle for a little." Jay brought up trying to help defend his friend. "But it was just on that one place." Jay finished.

"Yeah and even if that really did happen; you still all failed at finding my scepter - it came to me." Maleficent stated with a nasty frown. "So now I am making a new plan where it could be a new chance for you all to not disappoint us once more." Maleficent finished as she eyed each of the children before her.

"Sounds good to me." Evie said making Mal, Carlos, and Jay look at her. "What?! Was it something I said?" Evie asked with confusion as the other three groaned in annoyance.

"Alrighty then! Since we're all in agreement we will talk about this plan." Maleficent stated with a smile as she looked around. "But not here - there are too many unwanted listeners around." Maleficent explained with a frown.

"Then I propose we meet somewhere more private." Cruella said with a smile.

"Excellent idea!" Maleficent said with happiness as well. "In an hour we will all meet at my house! You four and the rest of your parents." Maleficent explained as she pointed to the four kids once again. "Until then; I would like to talk to my daughter only and the rest of you may be dismissed to go find your parents. Carlos and Cruella; you can stay with Mal and I until the others come back." Maleficent finished. "Does everyone understand?" Maleficent asked as everyone nodded their heads instantly.

"Good, then we'll see you in an hour!" Cruella stated with an evil smile.

Just as Cruella finished talking Maleficent had dismissed Evie and Jay from the meeting. Maleficent and Cruella began to turn and walk towards Maleficent's house while Mal and Carlos stood with their friends for a moment. All of them sent one last look to one another and turned to go their separate ways. Besides, they weren't gonna be separated for long, oh no, they were going to see each other in an hour or so. But still, this plan that Maleficent had in her mind, made them all still worry and wonder what it was about...

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