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A man with shoulder-length hair, it being a beautiful color that would resemble a ruby, one of the most beautiful colors and also the color of blood, was sitting still at a small restaurant, waiting for someone. Someone that he had been awaiting for a long time now.
The restaurant was relatively empty and quiet, with no other customers, so the waitresses could take their sweet time in making his order. The man sat there patiently, reading a book silently. He didn't mind that, since no one else was there. No other people, but himself. There was just something about being alone that made him feel good. The quietness made it possible for him to think, and thinking always helped with his stress and nerves.

Yet he was also getting impatient, waiting for the person that he had expected at least awhile ago.
The Eleventh, Tartaglia, had told him to wait for him in this Restaurant while he deals with unfinished business. Even at the thought of that brings Cale a sour expression on his calm face. The Tsaritsa, the God who he swore to yet will never worship, had paired them up for a mission. It is of small regards, meaning that even Cale himself could have done in alone if he wanted to.

The mission itself isn't all that complicated, retrieve a very rare item that the Tsaritsa told them to. But because it was such an important task for both Tartaglia and Cale, they need to stick together for it's protection. And so, here he waited, and hoped that the other would be back soon so they can finally head off.

After finishing the book in his hand, he closed it and stared at the cover for a moment and sighed and put the book down. Just as he did that, his food arrived.

A simple salad full of healthy vegetables and a glass of wine was what he had ordered. He picked up the fork and started eating, when suddenly he heard a voice. A familiar voice he hadn't expected to hear for another hour.

The person he had expected finally arrived.

" Good Afternoon, Buddy. I hope i haven't made you wait too long. " Childe's voice echoed throughout the entire place, the cheerful and confident tone was the same when they first met.

Yet it was awkward when Cale and him first met, the ginger asked him to fight almost immediately! Proposing it was because of the ranks, so he wanted to see just how strong Cale was. Much to Cale's annoyance.

"No. You're late though."

Cale's voice was calm, yet it also represented no emotion as the red head could only stare and gesture at the other to sit. The Ginger took the invitation and sat opposite from Cale, looking at him expectantly, as if wanting Cale to say something.

Cale frowned, wondering why Childe insisted on sitting directly across him, while Cale was trying to enjoy his meal and drink at the same time.

The red head took a deep breath and finally said, "So how should we do this? This is no easy task if the two of us were paired for such a mission. "
Cale's voice was cold, like ice, but Childe seemed unfazed by it and continued to look at him, his eyes still dull "If I'm correct, our objective for today is to retrieve a necklace that is originally from one of the Gods that died in the Archon War. "

It just so happened to be in Liyue, huh?

" The Tsaritsa gave us no clues on who that God is, but all we know that the necklace consists of rare ores that can not be found anymore. "
And Childe said,
" We are required to recover the necklace before anyone else gets hold of it and then return it to the Tsaritsa. We must do this as quickly as possible. Do you understand? " The boy looked straight into Cale's eyes, as if waiting for a response. Cale simply shrugged before looking away, not showing any reaction to what Childe said.

He doesn't care much about any of this and he knew it. However, he couldn't exactly tell the Ginger that, not without sounding rude or disrespectful.

It's true, he didn't care much about it, he didn't want to do this in the first place. But it was the Tsaritsa's command and it couldn't be disobeyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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