Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


' " Phone?" '

" Yes."

" Dinner money?"

" Yes."

" Pen?"

" Again, yes."

" Calculator?"

" Can I go now?"

" No Arabella, calculator, yes or no?"

" Ugh, yes!"

" You sure? Because last time you-"

" Mummmm, please, can I just go already? Im going to be late on my first day of school." I moaned, throwing my head back onto the seat.

My mother sighed and quickly kissed me on the cheek.

" Yes, now go and good luck, love you."

" You too." I reply, grabbing my bag and exiting the car.'

I take a deep breath and squeeze my eyes shut as the fresh air hit my face like a heavy wave.

Make no eye contact with anyone, don't trip over a bag, if someone picks a fight, ALWAYS fight them back and everything will be okay lil sis.

My lips slightly tugged into a small smile as I remembered the advice from my stupid older brother, Blayde.

I timidly walk towards the humongous building that stood in front me. A big sign had the name "ForestLake High School" Written in a bold font on it. This was it, this was a new start, a new town and a new school.

I check my phone, pushing open the school doors, it was 8:45, I'm 15 minutes late because I wouldn't get out of bed, like usual, my bed had told me to keep my lazy ass on the mattress and hide under the covers. I blame the bed, it wasn't my fault at all!

I walked into the building, re adjusting my black leather jacket that looked kind of bad ass even though im not very bad-ass at all, I had decided to wear that with a white tank top with some artistic pattern on it and black ripped skinny jeans with a pair of leather boots. I guess I had gone for the biker girl look today, no reason behind it, just felt like it.

I make my way to the receptionist who didn't notice me awkwardly standing there. I cough and the old woman with the huge red glasses looked up with a bored expression on her face like she couldn't be bothered doing her job anymore. Or be bothered with life either. I think it was both.

" Yes?" She asked, glancing at me then back to her computer screen

" Hi um, I'm new and er I need a time table."

" Name?" The receptionist asked, clicking onto her computer.

" Arabella Spark." I replied, cringing at my full name.

The old lady went through a draw and handed her a timetable, I thanked her and walked away and up the stairs.

God how I hate stairs. I hate everything about stairs: how you can fall down them or when someone slow is walking infront of you or someone keeps standing on your foot behind you. After four flights of stairs, I huffed out of breath, Jeez that was a heck load of exercise. My legs felt knobbly like jelly as I nervously walked towards the door where my English class was taking place.

Chill out Ara, act cool, don't trip over anything.

I take a deep breath, pacing back and fourth before counting to three and opening the door with my clammy hands.

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