The Date (Seacat)

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There is a scene currently unfolding on the beach before you, one that you are trying your utmost not to notice. This task is growing more herculean by the second, because although you've all but buried yourself alive in your book, the sound of shouting is impossible to ignore.

From the few scant glances you've been stealing, you can get a rough guess of just what is going down. The surfers are out again, this time causing trouble of their own volition without even having to blame the bikers for it. The cause of all the commotion also seems to be centered around one boy in particular, the one with the dark brown curls and coral hat.

A voice from beside you interrupts your best attempts at staying oblivious to the proceedings. "You know, you are allowed to actually watch what's happening. The rest of us have chosen to accept this as free entertainment."

You glance over at your friend with a grin. You two are sitting side by side in a long row of beach chairs pulled out under the shade of a nearby house, one with an excellent view of the beach and the aforementioned scene. To your left, Giggles is sipping a fruity drink, and to your right, Kiki is calling you out for no good reason.

You grimace. "Yes, but if I look up from my book for a second, I might make eye contact with one of them due to all the stares they keep throwing my way. And if that's the case, I might also realize that all of this has to do with me, and I don't think I'm supposed to know that quite yet."

Kiki laughs. "Y/N, how could you ever think that they're talking about you?"

Just as she poses the question, one of the surfers flings his arm dramatically towards you, all the while shouting your name so loudly that a few nearby seagulls startle and take flight.

You arch a brow. "Yeah, I have no idea why I'd think such a thing."

Besides, everyone on this side of the beach knows what's going on. From the surfers to the bikers, this sort of strife has been the hottest news of the summer. Basically, Seacat is facing trouble from his friends because they keep teasing him about something: namely, the fact that he likes you and can't seem to muster up the courage to admit it.

That's what they're doing now, after all, trying to say anything they can to convince him to ask you out. The surfers are a good bunch with good hearts, but man, they can be loud. You can hear practically every other word from their conversation despite being fairly far away from them.

It's not like you mind it, though. In truth, you would be more than alright with Seacat asking you out. Your worst fear is that he won't be able to do it at all, and his crush will fade as surely as the tide.

Thing is, you've been harboring a crush of your own for quite some time. You never thought your feelings would actually be returned, though– Seacat is unlike you in almost every way. He's loud where you're shy, exuberant where you're quiet. You're both still surfers, but that's the most you have in common.

Still, you like him. Seacat has a character that makes him more fun than anyone else here, a way of making you laugh even when you swear up and down that you'll never smile again. He sticks true to his friends and never lets a single detail go unnoticed– except, that is, when it comes to the fact that one of them may like him back.

This lands you back to square one, which involves the surfers all working together to get it through Seacat's head that you actually do have feelings for him and he really needs to ask you out before it's too late. You wouldn't mind if they could be a little less obvious about it, though, because your friends are teasing you about it just as badly as Seacat's are teasing him.

Next to you, Giggles rolls her eyes. "You might as well pay attention, it could actually goad Seacat into doing something. They've been having meetings like this all week."

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