Chapter 2 - Swab Test

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Opening the door to the building, I make my way to the room where I get my DNA swabbed for Discover Your Ancestry. In the summary pages, I read about what is included in the essay, that the DNA swab is taking place in the Psychology building on campus and that they send it to Discover Your Ancestry. As my professor told me, the result should come back within 2-3 days. Hopefully, it comes back quicker than that, as I still need to get a start on my essay.  

My heart is pounding against my chest, and even though I was just outside in the cold a moment ago, I find myself starting to feel warm. I don't know if it's from my 10-minute walk to get to this place or if it's the fact that I am starting to feel a little nervous. Either way, I stop momentarily, take off my letterman jacket, and take a few deep breaths before continuing.

Turning a corner, I find the room I need; room 47. Walking in, I see that it's more like a small hallway, with two small rooms on the left-hand side, both with doors. The one closest to me opens up to reveal two male students. They both seem to be around my age, maybe a year or two older. One has short brown hair, and the other has short blonde hair. The brown-haired guy comes up to me and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Zack, and the guy behind me is Ryan. Are you here for a cheek swab for Discover Your Ancestry?" 

He holds out a hand. I take it, giving it a firm shake before saying, "Nice to meet you, Zack. I'm Morgan, and yes, I have an appointment at 2 pm today." 

He smiles, his white teeth showing themselves. "Great. Follow me." He leads me to the door they just came out of and points to a chair where I can place my coat down. I do so and then follow him into the next one. Walking in, I first notice a chair on the right side, against the wall, and a table beside it with a box of gloves and DNA swab kits. On the other side are some cardboard boxes, with what I'm assuming are more kits, but I am not sure. 

"Alright, you may sit in the chair over there," he points to the chair, "while I grab some paperwork for you to fill out." Zack leaves momentarily and returns with a few papers attached to a brown clipboard. "So, what's going to happen is that after you fill out the paperwork, Ryan will swab the inside of your mouth and place the Q-tip inside the cylinder container. While that happens, I will input any information you gave me into the computer, and then you will be done. Do you have any questions?" 

"Nope," I answer. 

"Good. Just fill out those forms, and we are good to start," Zack smiles as he gets something from the other room. I pick up the pen, clipped to the clipboard, go through the papers, sign wherever I need, and answer any other questions. 

Just as I finish my last signature, Zack and Ryan walk in. I hand him the papers, and he quickly looks them over.

"It looks to be all is in order," he says with a smile. "If you still have any questions, feel free to ask or email them to Discover Your Ancestry." He hands me a business card for Discover Your Ancestry, with their contact information. 

"Thanks," I reply. 

"You're welcome, and now I will leave you in the care of Ryan." Zack leaves the room, and I look over at Ryan, who is already wearing nitrile gloves and opening one of the DNA kits. He takes the small, clear cylinder tube out of the kit. Watching him, I notice that the cotton swab is already in the collection tube, with a red stopper. Ryan pulls out the plug with the swab attached and then looks at me. 

"Please open your mouth."

Nodding, I open my mouth, breathing through my nose instead of my mouth. Ryan places the Q-tip inside, stroking it up and down my cheeks, gathering saliva. After a few seconds, he withdrew his hand and put the swab inside the collector, sealing it with the red stopper. 

"And you are done," says Ryan as he writes down my name on a label and places said label on the cylinder. Then, he removes the light blue gloves and throws them away in a nearby trashcan. 

"Thanks," I said, getting up from the chair and returning to the other room. But I stopped and turned around. "How long will it take for the facility to send me the results?" 

"It will be about 2 to 3 days, maybe sooner. It depends on when the samples get sent or dropped off at the facility," he answers. "It also depends on how many go through the system. But, when it's done, you will get your results sent to your school email address." 

"Okay, thanks again." I head out of the small room, grab my letterman jacket, backpack, and my (now) cold hot chocolate, and walk out into the hallway, where I find a bench to sit down. 

Looking at my Fitbit, I notice the time—2:30 pm. Wow, that was incredibly short. Well, I've got time to go back and work on my homework until I eventually need to get dinner. Sighing, I put on my high school marching band letterman jacket, put my black backpack over my shoulders, and started walking through the building to the exit door, throwing my cold drink in the trashcan as I headed out. 

Once outside, the cold fresh air hits my face and fills my lungs. I find my bright orange hat and place it over my head, keeping my ears warm. Shoving my hands in my pockets, I return to my dorm room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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