Part 2 - description

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"Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back."
― Criss Jami

This is the second part of the story, depicted a couple years after the first. In this, there are going to be a look into Stray's background and what happened then, how to heal from it, and finding a lot of information that was previously lost to him.
(A solid reminder: everything between Stray and the character yet to be introduced, but is my favorite, is purely platonic. They're /p everyone, please don't make it weird.)
Like always, I hope you guys enjoy and that this book finds it's people!
Love, Steslara.

Part 2 - description

Astraeus, for as long as he could remember, was alone before his coven came along.

Before Athanasius, there was no one to show him touch didn't always hurt. Before Oziamon, the only thing he knew about witches is that they were cruel. Before Erasmus, there was no one to laugh with. Before his home, the only four walls he had were a metal cage and cold, stinging wards. Before was painful. Before was lonely.

But now, with dreams instead of nightmares, he's remembering a whole new part of his past. He doesn't know what to make of it but he knows one thing for certain: he's going to find the witch who saved his life, and he's going to find out why they're so important to him.



"For how long?" He wonders. "How long do I need to be saved for? How long are you going to call a dead man's hate dangerous? How long are you going to pretend a dead wolf can still bite?"

"For as long as they still have teeth," his voidwalker hisses, pulling him closer. "And trust me when I say I'm still picking some out from my bones."

"You're letting them haunt you," Stray says.

"Let them," they say. "Let them haunt me, it keeps them away from you."

"It keeps you away from me, too."

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