The Dragon's Eye

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Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo had been assigned to investigate a theft at the local museum. A valuable artifact, known as the Dragon's Eye, had been stolen from its display case. The three heroes were determined to find out who was responsible.

As they approached the crime scene, Deku scanned the area for any clues. He noticed a shattered skylight and pointed it out to his partners.

"Looks like someone broke into the museum through the roof," he said.

Shoto nodded in agreement. "The security cameras caught footage of a figure wearing a black hoodie and gloves climbing up the side of the building."

Bakugo snorted. "What a cliché. We'll need to interview the museum staff and anyone who was nearby at the time of the theft."

They split up, each taking a different area of the museum to search for clues. Deku approached the curator of the museum, who seemed agitated and nervous.

"I swear, I didn't have anything to do with the theft!" the curator exclaimed, wringing his hands.

Deku calmed him down and began asking questions about the security measures in place at the museum. As he listened, he noticed a small detail that didn't quite add up.

"Can you show me the security footage again?" Deku asked.

Shoto rewound the footage to the moment when the thief entered the display room. Deku pointed to a small reflection in the glass case where the Dragon's Eye had been kept.

"See that? The reflection shows two figures standing in front of the display case. The thief couldn't have acted alone," Deku explained.

Shoto's eyes widened in realization. "You're right. That means someone else was involved in the theft."

Bakugo returned with a list of potential suspects, and together they began to piece together the clues. As they examined the list, they overheard a group of people talking in hushed tones in the next room.

Deku peeked around the corner and saw a group of suspicious-looking individuals discussing something in low voices.

"Hey, let's go listen in on them," he whispered to Shoto and Bakugo.

They crept closer, staying hidden behind a nearby statue. The group of people were discussing the stolen artifact and the plan they had come up with to sell it.

Bakugo's eyes narrowed. "That's our thief, and those people are the ones he's selling it to."

As they turned to leave, Deku noticed something strange about the security footage. He rewound it again and pointed to a reflection in the glass case.

"Look at that," he said. "It's not just the thief in the reflection. There's another figure, and it's wearing a museum uniform."

Shoto's eyes widened. "You're right. It must have been someone with access to the museum's security system."

Bakugo cracked his knuckles. "That narrows it down. We need to interview the museum staff."

They went to question the staff, but nobody seemed to know anything. Deku was about to give up when he noticed something odd about the museum manager, Mr. Johnson. He was fidgeting nervously and avoiding eye contact.

"Mr. Johnson, can you show us the security room?" Deku asked.

Mr. Johnson hesitated, but eventually agreed to take them to the security room. As they entered the room, they noticed a strange device hooked up to the security system.

"What's that?" Bakugo asked, pointing to the device.

Mr. Johnson's eyes widened in panic. "Uh, that's just a new security system we installed to make the museum more secure."

Deku narrowed his eyes. "That's strange, because we spoke to the security technician earlier and he didn't mention any new installations."

Shoto stepped forward, his voice firm. "Mr. Johnson, we know you were involved in the theft. You used your access to the museum to let the thief in."

Mr. Johnson's face paled. "How did you know?"

Bakugo stepped forward, his fists clenched. "We figured it out by piecing together the clues. The reflection in the glass case showed that the thief wasn't working alone. And the security footage showed that someone in a museum uniform was involved."

Deku nodded. "You thought you were clever enough to get away with it, but we're trained detectives. We notice things that others don't."

Mr. Johnson hung his head in defeat. "I just needed the money. I never meant to hurt anyone."

Deku placed a hand on Mr. Johnson's shoulder. "We understand, but stealing is never the answer. We'll need to take you into custody and let the authorities handle the rest."

As they escorted Mr. Johnson out of the museum, Deku couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. They had solved the case and brought the thief to justice.

The Dragon's Eye was returned to its display case, and the museum staff thanked the three detectives for their hard work. Deku, Shoto, and Bakugo left the museum, ready to take on their next case.

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