Chapter 1

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As I walk over to Aunties house, I notice that most of the windows are off, except for dekus. This means that Inko is most likely at work. I am not suprised, it is a week day.

Shit. I'm gonna have to talk to deku.

I take a breath and knock on the door. For some reason I am Shaking. I'm not sure why exactly. I'm not scared im just pissed. He hasn't said anything to anyone in weeks.

Nobody responds. I knock again. Still no response. I know that Auntie hides the House key underneath the welcome mat, So I decide to Break in. Not really. That just makes it sound cooler, "My home is Your home!" Auntie would always say.

I snatch the key from under the welcome mat and plug it into the doorknob and twist. It makes a satisfying little click and I open the door.

It creaks Loudly, and I see Nobody in the living room or kitchen, so I walk over to Dekus room. I knock on The door three times.

After a while, I hear what sounds like a Shuffle Of a blanket and Someone sighing.

"Hello? Mom?" I hear a tiny raspy voice say.
"Oi deku! It's Me not Your Mommy. I need to drop something off." I shout loudly in a mocking tone. Deku is silent for what seems like minutes.

"Kachan?" His voice sounds tired. He was probably sleeping.

"Open the door dumbass! I need to give You some food." I say, annoyed that He was sleeping When I was doing school work all day.

"uhh. I'm sorry I can't do that."

Now I am both annoyed and confused.

"Why? Let Me in I just need to drop this off"


Exuse Me?

"Deku open the fucking door." I am getting Overly pissed, I know. But I have been on edge since I came here and this is not helping. <(

"Just- leave it on the table"

"Jesus- Why is it so hard to just let Me in? What are You hiding?" Oh God. Why am I being so pushy??


He slightly opens the door and I see his Eyes glaring at Me.

"Just please, Don't tell anyone at school about this. I'm planning to clean it up- it's just hard to right now." He says in a scratchy tone.

I tilt My head. "Don't tell Me Your hiding a fucking dead body in there."

Deku laughs. I feel like this is a good sign- Atleast it means He isn't totally in a state of depression or something. But He also still seems to be shaky. Scared maybe?

"No, I'm not hiding a dead body. But uh- still. Im trusting You to Keep quiet, okay?" Deku responds.

As He opens the door, I start to smell something weird. It smells like old food. Oh. Oh God.

The entire room is covered in trash and dirty clothing. On the shelves there are even a few plates with old rotting food. I would be disgusted and make fun of Him, But honestly I'm just worried.

Deku is covering his Eyes with His hands and shaking violently. I want to pat Him on the back- no- I want to knock some sense in to Him. What is He thinking?? This is really unhealthy- He could get sick!

I want to cry but I don't. I just stand there, mouth wide open. I look at deku. He is in a small ball of shame, sit-standing on the floor. I walk up to Him and put My hand on His shoulder.

I don't say anything. I don't know what to say. So we just sit there silently, In a feeling of total awkwardness.

Shit. I could have made this better by saying something funny- now He probably takes Me as a sensitive crybaby. I feel stupid.


Woo hoo! 647 words :333

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