The Full Story

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 1361, May 17th at 2:09am, I, Nora Sage Hananda, was born into the kingdom of Kinoko. Princess to my people, soon to be ruler. My life was normal like others my age with a few exceptions of course. I was taught like all the other kids in my kingdom to read and to write. My burden though, is I was also taught to rule. My parents, Queen and King, did not wish to have any more children so they planned for me to marry a king instead, a male who would rule beside me. Kinoko is a small kingdom. Many trees and woods surround us. Small homes with big families are always welcomed warmly. The castle is big and built strong. My kingdom has traditionally been a safe place for travelers to pass by or stay if they wish. I grew up being told to take care of my people, and I did just that. By 16, I learned to lead by my father, I learned to care from my mother, and I learned to fight by the guards.


It was early October so the days got shorter and the weather got colder. The leaves were quickly turning colors and falling from the trees above. I've always loved the kingdom in the fall. The streets are filled with small shops with warm baked goods and warmer jackets. My training with the guards didn't happen as frequently as before, my days were now filled with princes from other kingdoms visiting in hopes of taking my hand in marriage. Though with my training with the guards, I grew a little fond of one. Her name I wasn't allowed to learn but I did anyway. Philia Berkshire. Most beautiful of names with the most beautiful of faces.

¨Hello, Princess, what brings you here? You do not have training today,¨ Philia spoke. Her voice was raspy, like a man's voice-something I really liked about her.

"Hi Philia, I would like to ask if I may watch you train for today. My father speaks highly of you," I responded with a smile.

Philia couldn't help but smile a little, "Well if you wish to, you may watch me train."

"Wonderful, I shall tell my father I will be out," I said and ran off before we said our goodbyes. I was too excited to watch her train to say goodbye for the moment being.

This was the first of many times that I got to watch her train. Her fighting was something wonderful to watch. Her movements and breath were perfectly matched with one another. My eyes never left her as she moved. If her body moved my eyes went with her.

When I was younger, my mother would speak of fairy tales and stories of princesses with princes and queens with kings. As I grew older I started to tell my own fairy tales of princesses with princesses and queens with queens. But the fairy tale I wanted to live in was princesses with royal guards. A fairy tale I mustn't live, but one I wished to live anyway.


Philia and I started to hang out after her training. It was something I looked forward to; we normally just walked the beaches and spoke to one another. We started to open up to one another and no secrets were kept between us. We spoke of everything that came to mind, no judgment. She told me stories about how she was going to be a god and how she would be the best warrior in the world. I would sit and watch as she told stories. Every time she would tell me stories of the gods people spoke of, she would act out the stories with her movements. She was such a good storyteller. I would listen for hours on hours and if I could have, days upon days.

The winter came without warning, soon there was snow upon the once green grass. The white pure snow laid flat against the castle the same as I laid flat against my bed, too cold to spend my days outside anymore.

"Princess, your father wishes to speak to you," Azrael said as he knocked on the door, pulling me from my daydreaming. Azrael was the right hand man to my father, he also was the watcher of me. He was to make sure I stayed out of trouble and stayed in check about the things going on around me.

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