author's note

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Hello to anyone who's made it this far!

For one I want to say thank you so much for sticking around! I wrote this in a total of two sittings without proofreading, so I'd be both surprised and flattered that you found the story worth reading. 

Now, I decided to write this note to provide some context into why I decided to write this story. I'm someone who loves making and consuming media about change. I am a sucker for coming of age, but I think that aging is only one example of a significant change in a person's life. There are some elements of growing up and growing pains here, but the real event is the death of loved one. While it's sad and the characters grieve, they also grow as a result. They come together to heal themselves. It was something I've witnessed in real life and it was so powerful I felt the need to put it into words. As of more recently, I've been involved in a few conversations about death and inheritance with people I knew. Which, while I could make a whole dystopian series with a magic system as an allegory for inheritance disputes, I didn't want to write death as a matter of only assets and personal gain. See, money is a realistic problem, which is why I wrote it into the story. But at the same time, I wanted to believe that death, grieving, and rediscovery could all happen without the added complication of inheritance. 

I guess aside from that, I also wanted to post something more meaningful on my account. The stories I have are from three years ago, when I was more immature (and could never finish the stories I started). Even though I finished the Heeseung fic I wrote then, it's so cringey that I can't bring myself to upload the rest 😭🥹. I don't think I'll write another fic any time soon, so I'd rather have the last work I post be something of slightly higher quality. 

Okay, now that you've really made it to the end, thanks again! You're really cool and I couldn't appreciate you more, have a really great rest of your day, whatever time of day that may be 🫶

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