Chapter 3: Feel

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TW: Description of panic attack (not too much detail, and brief)


My eyes began to ache under the harsh fluorescent lights. I was disoriented from whatever they did to me. I'm finally able to pry my eyes open and I see JJ at my bedside.

"Hey" she whispers in a soft smile and grabs my hand gently. I smile the best I could being so out of it and try to sit up to wake up more.

"No no, just stay there, you hit your head when you fell. Take it slow" She said standing up over me laying in the bulky hospital bed.

"JJ, no, you don't understand, we have to help her." She stares at me with a confused look plastered on her face. "We have to help that little girl." I panted as I started to get worked up again.

"Take deep breaths, I'm here with you, it's okay, you're oka-" She assured me, starting to gently stroke my back.

"It's not okay, they're dead and what if they don't find the unsub now either? What if it's him? What if it's the same one? He can't do it again." I interrupt and pant rapidly and feel myself getting lightheaded.

"Lay down, I'm going to grab you water." JJ said and laid me softly back onto the bed. She rushed out of the room.

Not thinking straight, I begin ripping cords off of me. Countless beeps from a mix of different machines began going off. I ripped off the tape holding my IV in, I winced in pain as I pulled that out too.

JJ ran back into the small room followed by two nurses that came to try and settle me down and plug me back into the machines, but after begging them to leave they reluctantly followed my wishes and retrieved the AMA paperwork for me to sign. After signing, me and JJ were left alone in the room and JJ began to gather her purse.

I attempted to stand but began to collapse when JJ caught me just before I fully slipped and led me to sit.

"I can go get a wheelchair if you can't walk from the drugs. Don't force yourself." She said holding me in her arms as we sat on the cold tile.

"JJ we have to help her, we need to go now." I insist and try to break free of her grasp.

"Who is she y/n, please tell me. If you just tell me we can help her" she says holding me tighter and looking worriedly into my glossy eyes.

"She's like me JJ, she's just like me." I reply, conceding the fight that I had previously been waging on the blonde. I fought back tears as I turned to hug her. "I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's okay." She said sincerely while lifting my chin up with her finger "We'll help her. The team is still all at the BAU, they were hoping to see you after you were discharged. What about we swing by and I'll tell Hotch about the case?"

"Okay." I say with a sniffle and a soft smile.

JJ fetched a wheelchair and I very reluctantly got into it and she pushed me to her car. I gazed out of the window from the passenger seat, mind all but vacant, on the ride to the BAU. JJ shows her credentials to the security guard at the parking garage and she goes to park.

"You ready?" JJ asked and turned to me.

"I don't know Jayje, this is all so embarrassing. I freaked out from reading a case file, I don't think I can show my face in there." I say burying my face in my hands.

"They're more concerned about your health than anything, they just want to know that you're okay." JJ said leaning down to meet where my eyes returned her gaze through my fingers.

"Can I stay in here? I'll go into work tomorrow, but I don't think I can show my face in there right now." I practically beg JJ.

"Okay, I'll be right back." she smiled and locked the car door behind her, leaving the keys with me and the heater on.


JJ rode the elevator to the sixth floor and B lined for y/n's desk to look through the files there in search of the one she had been talking about.

"Jayje! Where's y/n?" Emily said rushing over to JJ.

"She's in my car. I'm gonna give her a ride home, we just dropped by because she had a file she wanted to be sure Hotch read through." JJ said trying to spare as many details as possible for y/n's privacy.

"She's here? Do you think she'll mind if I go see her? I've been really worried." Emily said frantically, picking at her finger nails.

     "Well..." She trailed off, hesitant to send Emily y/n's way. This only made Emily more nervous.

     "Is everything really okay? Is it me specifically? Did I do something?" She said grabbing JJ's hand concerned.

      "No no, it's not that. She's just embarrassed about earlier, she thinks that everyone's going to think she's weak because of it." JJ reassured Emily, with a soft smile.

     "What? I- I mean- we would never do that. We all lo- care about her and we're just concerned about her after what happened." Emily stuttered out, heart still beating fast from thinking she had somehow hurt y/n "I stuck around to see her come back so that I could see with my own eyes that she's okay." She said softer but more confidently than the last sentence.

     JJ placed her hand gently on Emily's shoulder "Hey, she's okay, I promise. Shoot her a text, it will mean the world to her knowing you and the rest of the team care." Emily smiled softly and nodded. "She'll be in to work tomorrow, so you can see her then." JJ smiled back and engulfed Emily in a hug.

     "Thanks JJ." Emily said starting to step fully back into her strong woman self.

     "Of course, and if I didn't know any better I'd think you had a crush on y/n." JJ joked with a soft giggle and an elbow to Emily's arm.

     "Yeah right," she scoffed turning away at the perfect time to hide her pale cheeks turning a light shade of red "You're trying to get real cocky with your profiling skills, huh?" Emily joked, her cheeks fading as before she turned back around with her purse on her shoulder to face JJ.

     "Keep working on them Jareau." She said with a laugh and a nudge against JJ's arm as she headed toward the front enterance to the BAU.

     "Have a good night Em." JJ said with a big smile plastered on her face.

     "You too!" Emily yelled back across the BAU and blowing a kiss dramatically at JJ.

     JJ's smile remained on her face as she sifted through the files on y/n's desk. She loved when she was right, and the fact that she saw right through Emily, of all people, made it all that much better.

Ooo Emily has a crushhhh
Does y/n feel the same though??

Sorry for the shorter chapter this time. I haven't had much time to write between work and midterms, but I hope you guys enjoy :))

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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