Room with lights switched off....yeah it was night outside and dark inside.... And there she was sleepi- naahhh! Actually thrashing in sleep over a huge bed..... And then she got up with sudden jolt...

Breathing heavily she looked around and sighed....

Girl : aaarrgggghhh again those same nightmares.... Why me? just why me? Not eben a single day I get peaceful sleep.... uffff i better take my medicines or else whole night i'll have to stay awake.

saying so she got up and went to the cupboard  to take her medicines.... She again went to bed and took the jar of water, poured it into the glass. She took her medicines and sat on the bed with her hand on forehead....after sometime she slept.

The following morning she got with the sound of birds chirping..... She saw the clock on side table beside bed and got up and went to do her everyday routine....she got dressed up into simple leggings and kurta and left for her college.......

Yupsss as that's how her life is.....Apart from some few secrets..... Shhhhhh! U heard it right... She does have some secrets just like you babe, I  babe and everyone have....which no one knows other than her and some few people......

Her driver was already waiting for her outside her house... He drove her to college, since they reach she got down and said thanks to the driver when she was about to nter the college someone called out to her by her name.......she tturned her head and saw her friend coming running towards her......

Girl : prishaaa wait for me i'm coming....

Prisha just nodded her head and waited for her friend

Then they both went inside the college. They entered the class and set in the original place. Teacher came and the lecture started. After sometime principle came with a new student. He told everyone that he was a second year, student their classmate.

The classmate introduced himself to us and told his name is ritik. Then he came towards us and sat behind us. The teacher started with her lecture and by the end of the lecture ritik had already made few friends. I could feel someone staring at us so I turned to see ritik staring attitude us or should I say at saanvi.....

After sometime the lectures got over and everyone left the class to attend another... He tried to even talk to saanvi who is my only crazy stupid friend and me? Well i'm total introvert who doesn't like to mingle with people like I really hate socialising. If not with her then I like to be alone most of the time.

Like this the classes carried on with him trynna to talk to saanvi but uff she isn't a easy going girl.....

It was finally a break and so we went to the canteen and sat at our usual place later we saw ritik entering.... I saw him coming with another guy... Though he was kinda cute------- ouchhhh! Saanvi hit me on my head and asked

Saanvi : jaagiyaa are u serious ? u are litterally staring at him darling...

Prisha : ummm no wasn't looking at him... I was looking at board behind him hehehe see I was checking the pricese of things which have increased yeah! That's it....

Saanvi : you can't fool me babe I have seen you staring at him.... That's it I have seen means I have seen... Also he is so cute isn't it?

Saanvi : aarghhhh! Are u done with the teasings ? Can I have my food now since i'm really hungry....

Saanvi: fine then first eat then we'll discuss.... !

Prisha : what in the earth is even remaining to discusss... I'll leave you here and go ok if you continue.

Saanvi : sure sure u can go.

Prishaa : ugh I hate u

Saanvi : I know babe u love me

Prisha just glares at her and concentrates on her food while thinking : well that's trueee I don't hate you but I actually love you so much even though u tease me so much but i wonder would u be the same after you know the real me or will you too end up hating me like others did? I don't want anyone to see my broken and vulnerable side coz that's ugly.... Ughh sometimes I really hate my mind because it always messes up my thoughts but that's okay I guess or it isn't..... Thinking about if I finished my food with teary eyes.... I quickly rubbed my eyes before the tears rolls down...

That's when I got call from my elder sis...I quickly received it and came away from the seat while saanvi looked at her curiously.

Elder sis : hiii pri! How r you ?

Prisha : i'm good dii and what about you?

Elder sis : i'm pretty good I called to inform you about...................................... ( ohhhhh now ! That's a secret)
Okay na ?

Prisha : yeah di it's fine i'll be there see ya soon. Byeeee

Saying this she hangs the call and turns but she bumped into saanvi....
Saanvi raises her eybrows and asks

Prisha : whattt ?

Saanvi : yup that's what I am asking you what?

Prisha : huhhhh!

Saanvi : what were you talking about that u got up from place and came here to talk with?

Prisha : nothing much....

Saanvi : well tell meee or elsee i'll did with curiosity bro

Prisha : umm it's actually a.........

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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