One - New Beginnings

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This is just a note for my readers. I'm not a fan of using Y/N throughout my books so I use a character name and in this book, your name is Miyeon. Please feel free to read Miyeon as your own name or read it as though you are Miyeon.

"~Mommy don't know daddy's getting hot, at the body shop, doing something unholy~" Jungkook sings while drinking his third can of beer. He finishes the song with around six million fans watching him on his livestream. Fans can tell in his voice that he means every single word.

He proceeds to grab his final can of beer out of the fridge before singing only a few more songs. 

"Namjoon just text me and says I should end the live. He's scared I might say something or do something I regret since I'm drinking." He chuckles a little while scanning through the comments. "Oh and now my manager is telling me to turn it off. Urgh, you guys are such a buzz kill. My manager is the reason I am drinking right now." 

Suddenly the live turns off.

*2 years earlier*

All seven guys are sat around across 2 couches in an office room within HYBE. 

"Why are we even here?" Hoseok asks. 

Namjoon looks up from his phone. "Well apparently there is some big news they company needs to share with us. I know they're running late but don't worry."

"You think we've been nominated for a Grammy Award?" Yoongi asks, his face lighting up slightly with hope. 

Before anyone can answer, the door to the room opens and a member of staff stands in the doorway. "Sorry to keep you waiting." They bow in apology. "As you know we have some big news to share with you." 

"Spill the beans Miss Choi." Seokjin says in an upbeat tone.

She proceeds to sit down on an empty chair facing them. "Well, as you know your manager Sejin has had a few health issues for while now and unfortunately has had to leave the company to focus on himself. So we have had to employ you a new manager."

The door opens once again and a young woman walks in, juggling folders of paperwork. Everyone looks over to focus at the door to the new guest.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet your new manager-" Miss Choi begins.

"Miyeon?" Jungkook interrupts.

The woman looks up and tries to straighten the papers. Her eyes widen. "Jungkook?" She looks over at Miss Choi. "Oh no. Look I'm sorry but I am going to have to leave. Please don't take this personally but I cannot work with him. It's a long story and a lot of history. I apologise for the inconvenience." Miyeon places the folders on the table next to her, bows and exits the room.

Everyone looks over at Jungkook.

"What did you do to make her quit in seconds?" Jimin asks.

Jungkook sighs. "It's seriously a long story."

"We have time, especially since we have no manager now." Taehyung adds, sitting upright on the couch.

"Fine. Well..." Jungkook begins. 

First kinda chapter done. I love writing so much and I honestly have no idea what this book is going to turn into as I haven't planned any of this. Let's see where my imagination takes me!

Thank you for reading and for the support! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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