Chapter 2

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It had been weeks since I decided it was a great idea to mingle amongst humans. It had been weeks since I last saw her. I wish I could say it had been weeks since I thought about her, but sadly that wasn't true. I couldn't get her out of my head. Mostly I tried to keep myself busy, but when I wasn't busy I caught myself wondering what she was up to or how her day was going.

It was late at night, well early in the morning actually, when I heard something from my front yard. I had always been a light sleeper and the noise must have woken me up. It was probably some cat wandering through my yard, so I turned on my other side and attempted to fall asleep again. When I heard something fall, something that was definitely too loud to be just a stray cat wandering through my yard, I got out of bed.

While I walked to the front door I turned on the lights in the living room. I unlocked the front door and upon opening it, I noticed the girl on the ground, who must've stumbled over one of the chairs standing around. Luckily she hadn't looked up yet from where she'd fallen on the ground. I quickly put the sunglasses I always kept by my front door on. She was looking at her scrapped palms and mumbling softly to her hands.

"Are you alright?"

"Hmm, what? Yeah, I'm alright." Giggling she stumbled upright, almost falling over again. I tried to catch her before she fell again, but she regained her balance just in time. It was the girl I tried so hard to forget — Bana. She was a mess: hair sticking at odd directions, eyes unfocused and I could smell the alcohol from over here.

"Are you sure? You scrapped your hands. The least I could do, is help you clean them inside."

"Inside?" she questioned.

"Inside, like inside my house."

"Your house?" she asked dumbly.

"You're in my front yard."

"Oh. Sorry," she avoided my gaze.

"No worries. It's fine really. Let me just clean your hands, alright."

"Yeah, that's fine."

I gestured her to follow me and walked inside. After taking a few steps, I suddenly I realised I didn't hear her at all. I turned around and didn't see her there. I walked back to the front yard and there I found her still standing.

"Hellooo?" she mumbled dazed.

"Why didn't you follow me?" I asked.

Startled by the question, she turned her gaze in my direction.

"How was I supposed to know I had to follow you?"

"I gestured you to follow me, didn't I?" I looked closer at her. Her eyes weren't unfocused because of the alcohol I realised. It was because she was blind. "I suppose you wouldn't. You're blind, aren't you? Was that rude? If it was, I'm sorry. Didn't mean for it to come out that way—"

"—Relax it's fine. Yeah, I'm blind."

"Would you like me to guide you inside? Is that alright? I have no idea how to go about this," I panicked.

She giggled at my panicked rambling. "Just letting me hold onto your elbow would be great."

"Alright," I grabbed her hand and rested it on the crook of my elbow. "Is this okay?"


I walked inside with her on my arm, being careful that I didn't make her walk into anything.

In the kitchen I pulled a chair out for her. "You can sit here," I guided the hand holding on to my elbow to the chair. "I'll be back in a few."

I filled a bowl with water in the sink and returned to her side. Crouching down in front of her, I put the bowl down and began wiping the dirt away. "What were you even doing in the woods? Especially this early in the morning."

"There was a party. I must have gotten lost."

"Mmh, probably." My house was a bit away from town and practically in the middle of the woods. She shouldn't be here in the middle of the forest at 2 am drunk out of her mind. It was far too dangerous here for that. She obviously wouldn't find her way home at this time of night safely. Not that I would let someone try to find their way out of these woods in the middle of the night. Certainly not someone in her state. She was way too drunk to go home right now. "You can stay the night if you'd like. I'll drive you into town first thing this morning."

"That'd be great."

I stood up, "Alright let's get you to bed." My bed was big enough for the both of us. I guided her to my bed and soon she was out like a light. I grabbed some painkillers and a glass of water and placed them on the nightstand. Then I returned to bed myself.

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