7. Berries

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Salem was in the kitchen, looking for something to eat. She goes out into the living room, were the rest of the Arcane Order was (Bellroc was reading their book, Nari had a glass of water for some reason, and Skrael was floating around), carrying a bowl of berries and fruit.

Salem: Hey, guys. I found something for you to try. 

Nari: What is it?

Salem: *Winks* Not my secret to tell.

Skrael: As long as it isn't Bellroc or Douxie's cooking, I'm in.

Nari: *Pops a raspberry in her mouth after Salem puts the bowl on the floor* Umm, tasty. 

Bellroc: Heh, this one looks like Skrael *holds up a blueberry* and it's his size too. 

Skrael: You're on. This one looks like you *holds up a strawberry* it's the physical manifestation of you patience.

Salem: Skrael, be nice. Ooh, here's Nari! *Holds up a green apple*.

Nari: And I found a Salem! *Holds up a yellow pear*

Bellroc: Maybe I can find the Dritten *rummages around* what's this? *holds up a black ball*.

Skrael: A ball. Fascinating.

???: A-hem.

All demigods: ACK!

Doxie hopped out from behind a doorway. He was grinning like a madman.

Douxie: Ha-HA! You've been Douxied. 

Skrael: *Freezing the floor under Douxie* And you've been Skraeled. \

Salem: Thanks. 

Skrael: *Blushes*.

A/N: Sorry if Skrael was out of character. 

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4 demigods, 1 wizard, and 1 dragonWhere stories live. Discover now