The Call

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"What's up Doodles?" Audio Murphy greets us as walk in the studio

"Hey Murph" Moe greets Murphy with a smile

"All right Doodles, let's to shoot the music video" Murphy edges us on

We hop up on the stage and stand in front of our mics

"It's time for the Doodlebops dance of the day" Rooney says

"Get up and dance with us" DeeDee says excitedly

"Come on, it'll be fun" Moe says as he points to the camera

"First, you take out your alligator arms" I say as I stick both hands out

"Then, you clap your hands together" Moe demonstrates

"And then, you make an even bigger alligator" Rooney makes a big alligator by opening his arms wide. We follow his moves

"Now, your doing the alligator dance" DeeDee says to the camera with her excited smile

"I think they got it. Let's hit it" Rooney says swinging around and grabbing his mic

We all start to dance

                                       • • •

"Great job doodles" Murphy cheers us on

"Thanks Murph" DeeDee says with a smile

"Well, we better get back to the clubhouse" Moe says looking at us for confirmation

"See you later Murph" Rooney says as we all put on our jackets

"Bye Murph"

"See you tomorrow"

"Seeya Murphy"

We all say as we head out the door

The studio is always fun. I was nervous when I first joined the band, but now it's just another fun day. This is the best thing that's happened to me and I wouldn't ask for anything else

                                     • • •
We arrive at the clubhouse and the three take  a seat on the couch

"Want any drinks?" I question as I stand waiting for a response

"YES" they say in sync. I let out a laugh and head to the kitchen and grab them drinks. I walk back to the couch

"Here you go" i kindly say and hand them their drinks and sit down

"You did a great job y/n" Moe says looking at me with a smile

"As always" Dee says and Rooney agrees

"Awe thanks you guys. Y'all are always ahead of me, but I appreciate it. It was difficult when I started but you all make it worth it" I say in awe and smile at them

Joining The Doodlebops was the best choice I've made. For once in my life I can feel true joy and happiness, especially love from Moe, and I don't have to worry about rules and disrespect from others

I walk to my bedroom for a minute to change into some comfy clothes. All of a sudden, my phone starts to ring. I look at my phone to see a familiar number

"What the hell" I say to myself. I quickly realize it was my mom. The one person I never wanted to hear from again. I listen to it ring, debating whether to answer. Fuck it

"Why the hell are you calling"

"Oh hunny. Where are you? Why? Why are you gone why would you leave me. I've had friends and your family looking for you. We thought you were gone-"

"ENOUGH. I don't need your pity. You call that family? The people who made my life the worst possible. And that includes you. I don't have time for games. I left you because I didn't want to deal with your games anymore. You say I have family, but family doesn't ignore the fact it was my birthday and tell me it doesn't matter. Im sorry you've had search party's out. But you didn't come to my birthday party, so I'm not coming to your search party. Goodbye"

I hang up the phone and block the number. Tears start to roll down my face. I finally told my mother off sense I've left. Now she calls me? Now? After 5 months, now she calls. It hurts to have family who says they care about me, but the second I'm in their lives I don't exist. And the second I leave they care? No.

*knock knock*
"Are you heading to bed y/n it's only 6pm"
I hear Moe's voice on the other side of my door

"Um, yes. Sorry Moe. I just got a call and I kind of need to sleep it off alright?"

"No problem y/n, I hope you sleep well" I can hear him say with a smile

"Hey Moe.."

"Yes?" He questions

"Goodnight love you" I say nervously waiting for a response. I've never told him that, but it's true

"I- I love you too y/n" I can hear him nervously say out of excitement and I smile to myself. His footsteps fair away and I lay down to sleep. This was a good and bad day. I hope tomorrow is better

This was a shorter chapter but it's 12 at night and my eyes are drifting to space💀 I love y'all, thank you for the support. Hopefully another chapter coming soon. Make sure to comment!

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