Chapter 3

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I sat up straight and tossed my legs over the bed "" He hugged me from behind and pecked my neck "Leave me alone.".

"I won't replace you,I don't know why you would think that." He mumbled,still tired "I don't even know why you're in my bed at this moment...I have to get ready for work.".

"It's Saturday."

"We're going out to the waterpark, taking care of your offspring is hardwork." He let go of me as I coldly spoke.


I pushed up my sunglasses,shading my eyes from the sun. "Mama put me down,I wanna go swim." He wiggled in my arms and bounced up and down.

"Baby pool,okay?" Seonchan nodded. Sungjin decided to walk while eating his icecream,how was walking with those tiny sunglasses as well. I put Seonchan down "Yay! Yay!" He shouted running into the water,Sungjin pulled his face and looked at me "Do I have to go in too?".

"No..." He followed after me and laid down on his own lounge chair. Sunghoon pushed up his glasses "You're not coming?".

"No." We both replied,I sat up straight and Sungjin laid on his back. We were out of the sun but I still rubbed sunscreen on his back "Thanks,mama." He murmured,slowly closing his eyes. I bopped his nose with some before looking back at Sunghoon "If Seonchan drowns, it's on your hands." .


"Nope,no,nope." I pulled away as he moved between my legs,luckily he bought the place out so it was just us,the twins and the bodyguards. Yoomi went out with Heeri.

Why isn't anyone here to defend me?

I need help against him. "I won't ever replace you, Saedyeon's part of my're my present and my future." I couldn't help but smile while my heart beats against my chest.

"You're not sweet talking you're way out of this...go to the pool." I haven't been able to tell him about my dad,I wanted to tell him. I needed and wanted his comfort so bad "Okay,am I forgiven?".

"Apology accepted,but forgiven is a strong word." He sighed and moved away.

Sungjin dropped his glasses to his nose bridge "What dada do?".

"Mind your business..." I pushed his glasses back up,he giggled and slapped my hand away.


We watched the kids swimming the whole day,they had fun. Playing around and tackling each other "Come on,kiddies." I shouted as I bended down to give them their ice cream.

I felt my chest suddenly burning,my throat felt like it was blocked. I coughed and hit my chest "What is it?".

"Heart burn,literally." He laughed and took my shoulders pushing me down "I'll take care of the twins,you just relax.".

"Not gonna sugarcoat me into forgiving you." He chuckled, he's always been this way. I don't trust him,Yoomi's birthday is gonna be in a few months.

I have all sorts of plans,that I planned with her. I didn't want to force anything of the stuff that I didn't have at my parties onto her parties,that wouldn't be right,so we planned it all out ahead of time.

"About Yoomi...." Did he just read my bloody mind? "What if those three guys are right...and they all are her mates?".

"Then you have to make peace with him...and me? Am I your mate?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Yes,and it was fucking hard to stay away from you."

"Like I'm suppose to believe that." He sat down next to me.

"I'm a hybrid...remember?" He leaned in closer,I placed my hand on his chest.

"I never wondered about your werewolf mate." He smirked showing those little vangs.

"I left her for you." Her?! I whipped my head to him "I don't think Selene believes in homosexual relationships.".

"You're telling me....your werewolf mate is living and breathing?" I'll kill her too if that's what I need to do.

"Yeah,I rejected her though...don't be worried," he pecked my lips,he smirked and leaned in for more "The kids,your horny bastard!" I murmured as he started sucking my lips.

Literally sucking them,he can't be that sex deprived.


I laid the twins down in their cribs,I yawned and stretched my arms above my head. "Ah!" I shrieked feeling his arms around my waist "What is wrong with you?".

"I seriously don't know...why are you so warm?"

"I don't know either," He chuckled,his hot breathe hit my skin "Still not forgiven.".

"As long as I get to be closed to you,I don't care." I kinda like it though.

Let's all forgive Sunghoon together cause he can never lie.

Thanks for reading.

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