Case A101: Find Dean a Friend

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Dean P.O.V

"Dean, you really need friends!" Sam says to me as I watch Dr. Sexy on the old antenna television in the cheap motel he paid for . "W-what?! I'm just watching this to pass the time until you find our next case." I lie just so that I don't have to admit my guilty pleasure. "My new case is to find you a friend because this doctor sexy bullcrap is not cool!" He says almost yelling. My eyes shift from him to Dr. Sexy's cowboy boots, that's what makes him sexy. "Oh my god!" he groans going to the tv and turning it off. I glare at him hoping my glares could provide enough motivation to let me continue my program. He ignores my attempts and grabs his phone texting and hiding the screen from my view, "I'm heading to the more doctor sexy, Dean, I mean it!" The door closes and I wait a few moments before turning on Dr. Sexy, I think about what he told me. I could use a drink, I look at the mirror above the table and check out my outfit. Third day in a row wearing this flannel shirt and no girl or pie is tempting enough to make me change. I grab my car keys and sigh, "Fine Sammy you win..." I mutter under my breath leaving the room and jogging down to my lovely impala. Once I'm in front of the wheel of my baby and my rock music is so loud my eardrums get pushed back into my head, I realize it's time to hit the road. I never thought I'd say it but, let's make some friends.

As I drive down the somewhat wet road, wet because it rained like hell yesterday, I thought of the temporary relationships that I had. I've had...friends. There's Bobby I have no friends. That's tragic. Well what can I say, when you're trapped in an impala for 8 hours everyday with your brother and your closest relationship to something else other than your brother is a bag of salt which can potentially save your life it's hard to make friends. I mean sure there are girls but they're no fun passed the bar scene; drunk and gullible but outside of bed they're talking about marriage and.....moving in. Ugh gross, anyway I have a full commitment to my job!

Okay, how long is this strip of land exactly? I feel like I've been driving for hours. And I don't like how this idiot is driving ahead of me. He's really swerving. Maybe it's a creature? Oh maybe Sam will get off my ass if I kill it. Driving at my normal 75 mph I caught up to this swerving lunatic just as he decided to ram into my car. My baby! I pulled over to inspect my car. As I leaped from the car, I noticed that speed driver had stopped too. He's about to get a 9mm in the mouth but my baby comes first. Damn! Look at that dent, my baby. It's bad enough to make the strongest of men drop to their knees in tears. I look up at the idiot who rammed into my car, I can't help but confront my baby's abuser. "Hey you! Sparkles! What the fuck!? You ruined my car, I hope you kiss your insurance company's ass or I'll have my foot up yours!"

He turned to me with this look on his face. A look that I give to people. Damn, I am a dick. He looks like he's gonna hit me, well I'm ready, "I'm talking to you, sparkles," I repeated. "Sparkles? Is that all your limited brain could muster in the insults department?" He snorted. What the hell kind of accent is this....he's clearly not from here. "Learn to drive you ignorant prick, you don't know who you're messing with. Either you agree to fix my car or you agree to pay your debt with my fist to your face!" Sam's not here to calm me down and push me in my car so this guy isn't free from getting a beat down. "Look, I don't have ti---" he stopped talking to answer his phone. He spoke in some language that I didn't understand and it pissed me off even more. I was seconds away from just shooting this guy. "Look, you are so lucky I have to leave. You want money for your car, here!" He handed me a roll of twenties and then got back into that ugly Audi of his. What a dick? Never thought I'd be saying that. All this because Sam won't let me watch Dr. Sexy!

Bill's P.O.V

Okay, back to what I was doing before that fucking prick decided to crash into me! How long is it gonna take for me to find this place? I swear when people think they can talk to me any old way...right. So I was told by my friend that he needed my help to get information on this weird occurrence here in St. Louis. I drove for the past eleven hours trying to reach this bar. Why must it be in the middle of nowhere?! "That must be it. It's the only bar for six miles." I groaned to myself. I'll admit that I stand out but I don't care. I'd rather people talk shit than not at all. This drive took entirely too long and now it's packed to capacity. I don't wanna be in this crowded bar discussing anything of the paranormal. Where could he be in this cesspool of failure?

There he is, the long haired pretty boy, he sits on a bar stool searching the crowd, I assume for me. I walk over to him and get noticed right away, I'm easily one of the tallest guys here. I was still pissed at my earlier encounter with the short squirrel looking dipshit. Sam's smile wipes those thoughts from my mind, "Bill, I'm glad you came. I really need your help, it's about my brother!" "What about him?! Demon possession? Ghost sickness?" I ask frantically. "I don't know, that's why I called you." He replied. "Okay, tell me what's happening?" He started to list off symptoms but something didn't seem right. It was just strange. But Sam is a good friend and I'd do anything to help him. "Where's your brother right now?" I sighed. "Out there driving like he's okay. But I can take you back to the motel we are staying at and you can set up there." Great, a crappy cramped motel was the icing on this shitty cake. Sam, you're lucky I'd do anything I can to help you.

As we get to the damn hotel I realize that there's the same car that rammed me before. I pause for a moment and inspect the dent. This is definitely the guy's car, I can't catch a break! "Let's go Sam!" I grab his wrist and pull him into the lobby. He looks confused but for some reason doesn't question it. He takes me to the room, the hallways are quiet and it calms me. As we walk in....there he is! That asshole! The one who hit me with his car! He's drinking a beer and looks up, his eyes turn dark "Why the fuck is sparkles here!" He snaps. This isn't going to be pretty.

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