Case A102: Trap Them

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Dean's POV

I look up and see the same guy from before, Sam must really want me dead. "So Sam who's the lovely lady? Another one night stand for you?" I say with a smirk on my face. "You're fucking kidding is this guy your brother. Damn prick hit my car with his earlier today!" The man says with an angry tone. Sam gives me a smug smile and nods "Glad you two met! Bill this is Dean and Dean this is Bill." This Bill guy glared at me from under his trucker hat and put his hands on his hips. I noticed he had a tattoo on one hand and nothing on the other. I call demon. "So Sammy, where'd you pick this one up at?" I chuckled. "He's actually a friend of mine. We went to undergrad school together before he dropped out a month before you showed up." I looked back at him and he didn't strike me as the hunter type. Too pretty. I mean this guy had on expensive looking clothes and piercings. There's no way he's seen anything that I deemed hunter worthy. "So Sparkles, tell me why you're here?" "I was under the impression that Sam here needed my help in the occult but you seem perfectly fine to me. Or maybe there's a ghost possessing you and that's why you're being a total tool." Oh hell no! I'm not letting this asshole get the final word. "Well're a tool..buddy!" Wow that sounded better in my head. The man laughs "Ooo big and scary....I can tell you had a lot of trouble in school!" He snaps. I lunge at him and tackle him to the ground, Sam grabs my arm just as I'm ready to punch him in the face. "GET OFF OF HIM DEAN STOP ACTING LIKE A CHILD!" He yanks me off and holds out his hand. "You're lucky I'm wounded, otherwise I would've slaughtered you! Sam, you better tell me right now why you asked me out here! I have things to do!" "Don't talk to my brother like that!" He glared at me again and ignored my words. "Sam, I'm serious." "I'll go grab some things from the car and then we'll talk." Sam left and I was alone in this small room with that sparkle princess.

He sat on the bed with a hiss and pulled up his shirt. There were claw marks the size of half his body and they were still bleeding. "What did that to you?" He looked up at me and groaned. "It's fine." "Obviously not, it's still bleeding." "Fuck off! I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone. Not anymore." "Okay, I'll go grab the first aid kit out of the impala and you can patch yourself up." I walked to the door and it didn't open. I turned the knob and nothing. It didn't move at all. "It's locked." I sighed. "What do you mean?" "I mean this door won't open." I tried kicking it down and nothing. "We are locked in. What could've locke---Sam!"

Bill's POV

Great, I'm stuck in a room with a wooly mammoth. My ribs hurt because that damn Wendigo attacked me and I'm bleeding. God, this hurts. "Can you just grab some tissue or something?" I groaned. "Fine, I think we have some gauze in the bathroom. Give me a second." I pulled up my shirt some more and looked at the damage. "Tomi, I'm sure you're pissed. I let that thing get me." I chuckled to myself. "Here." I looked up and Dean handed me a roll of medical tape and gauze. "Thank you." He crossed the room and grabbed a beer. It didn't take long to patch myself up and I laid down for a second. "What cut you up?" Dean asked. "None of your business. Ain't you got something to get us out of here?" He tossed the bottle out and grabbed another. "Fourth floor, I am not jumping out the window. Sammy trapped us in here and Sammy will get us out."

I got up and grabbed my bag that I dropped by the door. There was nothing in there but my research from the previous case and my weapons. "Who's Tom?" I looked behind me and saw my photo of my brother had slipped out of my pocket in the scuffle. "Give that back." I snapped. "Sure, I don't care." I tucked it back into my pocket and stood in front of him. "Since it's obvious we are going to be trapped here a while, I suggest we find our space. Don't talk to me and I won't say shit to you." Dean starts laughing and lays on his bed. "Like I'd listen to you, one and two where are you from anyway?" I thought for a second and decided that trying to be antisocial in these settings was impossible. "Germany." "So you're German?" He was really pressing it. "I'd assume that anyone who was born and raised in Germany is German." "They could be French." Smartass. "Whatever. I was born in Germany and I moved to America when I was twenty." He nodded and turned onto his side. "I've always been here. In the U.S. I've seen the craziest things and being locked in a room with you ain't making it no better." I laid down on the opposite bed and looked up at the ceiling. "The feeling is mutual."

I feel his piercing eyes scanning my body and burning holes right through my skin, I look over at him. "What are you looking at?" I snap at him, I was in no mood for his shit. He actually looks embarrassed, but that look changes back to his usual cocky grin. "What's up with the piercings, had a hard time at home? Daddy didn't love you?" I sat up really quickly and looked right at this asshole. I pulled the 9mm from my waistband and pointed it right at him. "Don't you ever talk about my family!" He got up and put his hands up in the air. "Whoa, whoa slow down and put that damn thing away!" I was two seconds away from just killing him and jumping out that window. But I decided against it, seeing as how he has a point. We are four stories up and I've got a gaping wound in my side. "Fine, but don't say anything more to me. My father is none of your business. My life is none of your business. So what if I've got piercings it's none of your fucking business! So shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down and leave me the fuck alone!" I sit down frustrated as he slowly sinks back onto the bed. "He wasn't there for you either was he?" He says poking around into my business once again. "Don't worry about my life, you better be worrying about the safety of yours!" I growl. He puts his hands up in a defensive manner and lays back down. "I understand, not all things should be said out loud." he says almost in a whisper before closing his eyes. Yeah, hopefully he can keep his mouth shut, I need some sleep.

Dean P.O.V.
It's been about an hour, where is Sam, I'm going to seriously hurt him. I think about breaking the door down but I don't want to pay for the damages. I also want to keep a low profile after all the times I have faked my identity. I shake my head looking at Bill again, he wasn't bad looking, if he didn't wreck my fucking car I would consider being his friend. I honestly don't think he would have shot me, and if he did...back to hell...I need to be more careful, I can't end up downstairs in the devil's pot again. I look up at the ceiling, it will happen again one day, living eternity in Hell. A fate worse than death. I realize that Bill is looking at me and I glance over, "Why are you staring I thought you wanted nothing to do with me?" I mutter. He shakes his head and laughs, "I just thought you were gonna cry, your eyes got watery there for a second." he seemed to enjoy it. Sadistic motherfucker, I clench my fists, "Call up your friend and tell him to let us out asshole." I glare at him and he rolls his eyes. "Don't you think I tried that?! Its a cell phone jammer, he blocked our phones." He says in a mocking way that made me hate his guts even more. I sigh, "I'm sick of this shit! How about we settle this like men? A fight! Sam's not here to protect you anymore!" I get up. He laughs and I look confused "What is it?" I snap once again, "You! I'm not fighting you! I respect Sam more than that." "I don't wanna hear my brother's name in your mouth, one and two what's the matter you too scared to face me?" He got up and tossed his hat aside. I seriously was in a right mind to just toss him out that window. One less problem for me. But all he did was open up his arms. "I'm not in no position to fight you. As you can see, I'm bleeding through this gauze and who knows how much time I've got left." He sighed. "You were just gonna shoot me a second ago!" "That's was when you were getting into my business. Look, Sam locked us in here for a reason, so how about we try to stay civil. Keep your corner and I'll keep mine." I shook my head "No fucking way, buddy!" He sat back down and let out a cough. "Fine, you wanna fight? How about you patch me up a little more so it's fair?" Bill groaned. There was no way I'm cleaning his wounds. But he looked really bad in the living department. It took a lot of pride but I finally walked over and bent down to his level. My large hands pulled up his now blood soaked shirt and I can't tell you the amount of blood that was splotched on his pale skin. "Alright, hand me that bag. I think I might have a first aid kit or something in it." I sighed. His shaking hands handed me the bag and when I removed the useless first layer of gauze I noticed an array of tattoos that were all over his torso. This guy just didn't strike me as the hunter type. He's sensitive, hot tempered and....okay he's basically me in a nutshell. But I've got Sammy to even me out, he's out there on his own. Let's not ignore his shitty taste in cars and the fact that he ran into my car earlier today. "This isn't me doing you a favor, but I'm sure Sammy would kill me if I let you die in here." He laughed and looked right at me. "Sammy? That's what you call him?" "Yeah and?" He looked away and chuckled again. "I wish I could call my brother by his pet name," he mumbled sadly. Something was eating him alive and it wasn't this wound.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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