1| First Day

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Taehyung anxiously waited for them to hand him his key for his dorm. It was his first day at university and so many first time things for him. He finally got away from home, but he has to say that he really misses his mother. His mother was the best mother in the whole wide world. A single mom who worked her hardest but still was there along the way, after his dad has passed his mom had to work more jobs and they had to move in with his grandma. But he didn't mind because his grandma would spoil him rotten. He lived a decent childhood growing up, one that some would envy. The office gave him his key and off he went on an adventure to find the building.

He was documenting parts for his vlog that he uploads on YouTube. As he reached they door for his dorm, he stood there holding the knob, take a deep breathe in he unlocked it and stepped in. As he walked around and inspecting it, he noticed boxes outside a door. Roommate? He thought. He knocked on the door, putting his camera away in case his roommate didn't like to be filmed without permission. As he was on his third knock the door swung open.

There stood a younger looking boy, smiling at him with bunny teeth.

"Yes?" He asked.

To say the least Taehyung was speechless, like absolutely speechless. Stunned, no reaction like at all. The boy waved at him, trying to take him out of the trance that he put him under without knowing. Taehyung finally closed his mouth that hung open in awe.

Recomposing himself, he held out his hand, introducing himself, " Hello, I'm Kim Taehyung, I'm going to be your roommate this year!" He said while grinning.

"Hello! I'm Jeon Jungkook, nice to meet you roomie." He laughed out loud.

God damn that laugh, it's so majestic, he thought....or so he thought.

"Uh...thanks?" The boy answered with a blush.

Taehyung, embarrassed, excused himself to go and find his room. Finding the second room, he entered, sighing as he sat on the bed that had no sheets.

"I hope it's gonna be okay." He mumbled before getting up and setting his luggage on the table. The other packages he was waiting for them to arrive. He took out the sheets he packed and started to make his bed.

He settled with black sheets. All he needed was his pillows but they were in one of the packages. Sulking his lied down on the bed, he suddenly got up because he had the urge to pee really bad. (a/n: me right before bed :(( )

Once he was done he grabbed his camera. Thinking that he was gonna go and your, filming along the way. He stood in front of Jungkook's door. Nervous, he knocked. Three quiet knocks. As the door opened a head popped out the door.

"Yes?" Jungkook asked while tilting his head to the side.

"I was gonna go and tour the campus, wanna come?" Taehyung asked while looking around, still clearly embarrassing from their previous encounter.

"And are you gonna take pictures?" He asked while looking at the camera in Taehyung hand.

"Huh? Oh, well I have a YouTube channel that I upload vlogs on. You don't have to come if you want, but if you and the camera is bothering you I don't have to bring it." He replied sheepishly.

"No it's fine, yeah sure let me just throw on a hoodie." He said before he ran grabbed his hoodie on his bed.

"Shall we?" Jungkook asked while making his way to the door.

As they made their way down the building, they started to have a small conversation about who they are, where they are from, you know the usual.

"Let's play 21 questions!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Alright, wanna start?" Jungkook asked.

"Sure! Where are you from?"

"Busan! Where are you from?"

"Daegu. Age?"


"How old are you Taehyung?"

"24! What are you majoring in?"

"Art and literature. What about you?"

"Film and art. Wow, we both double majoring?"

"Guess so, i hope we last in those classes."

"I'm sure we will." Taehyung replied as he put a battery in his camera. Lifting it, he pressed the record button. "Hello everybody! It's Tae here again. Today I'm taking you along with me to tour the campus of my university. I have a guest today!" He said while pulling Jungkook into the view of the camera. "This is my roommate! Why don't you introduce yourself." He grinned.

"Hello, I am Jungkook nice you meet you all." Taehyung giggled when Jungkook said that. "You're so silly, Jungkook. Anyways let's go?!" He exclaimed.

And so the continued to tour the campus around their school. Eventually ending up in the library.

"Wow," Jungkook said in awe. Taehyung, intrigued by the look on Jungkook's face started to record his look on his face when seeing the library. Astonished he continues to look around, eyes gleaming with joy. He looks around.

Taehyung is just looking through the camera amazed by Jungkook. Taking in every detail he could. This is gonna be one heck of a year he thought to himself. They continued throughout this he library, Taehyung still recording and making a mental note to not post this clip, but to save it. My first day of university he said while smiling and looking around.

Hello, it's the author here, thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoyed. A little side note, I'm trying to make this fluff, that's right, a non toxic relationship 😱. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed and make sure to finish your school work today! Next chapter to be out soon. But not too soon, I have a lot of things to do this week. 😭

—K. 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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