A Mansion for Hiding

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My running never calmed down, the crunches of dried leaves scattered below my feet could be heard more than my own heavy breathing. Dodging all the branches that appeared in my fast vision, the shouts of the police could be heard far off. Though they were still hot on my trail. Thankfully they were far enough away that they couldn't fully see me; I could only see their silhouettes, and they could only see mine if I was correct. Valice flew beside me, squawking each time she nearly collided with a low hanging branch. The two of us needed a way out, and this forest wasn't doing us any favours.

"Over there! Atop the hill in the distance!" Valice exclaimed, breathing heavy throughout her sentences. I didn't blame her, I was too. I was quite good, having to be used to it and all, but even I was slowly losing the ability to keep this run on forever.

"Okay," I breathed out, now changing our direction to the quickest pathway to the large hill off in the distance. How I wished to have just walked there, though with the police riding my ass like there's no tomorrow it's quite difficult to do.

After twenty minutes of continuous running and dodging, the both of us finally were able to get up the hill with the police still far enough away for my own comfort. Valice landed on my shoulder, making sure not to claw through my protective clothing. It took a few seconds to open the door, what with all the jiggling of the knob and all, but we were quickly able to get inside the mansion. Definitely bothering to close the massive front doors behind me.

"Okay, what to do now?" I asked to myself, scratching my hoodie-covered head. Making sure to adjust the full face gas mask covering the rest of my head as we walked around the main hall.

"Finding a place to hide from them is the best idea," Valice informed me, spreading her wings and soaring around the high-ceiling room. Two staircases resided on either side of the room, bringing them both together in an open, second balcony-like floor situation. I had never seen anything like it, and wished I hadn't. It was quite dramatic. Valice landed on the railing, flapping her wings a bit more to keep herself comfortable. "Get up here, there's a bunch of rooms to hide in!"

"On it!" I called out, looking at both of the staircases to see that they were both blocked by crap. "Fuck... Well, up we go!"

I grunted out as I jumped up, grabbing the side of the stair's wall and railing. My dirty boots digging into the slowly crumbling walls. When I got to the angle I needed, I jumped over to the second floor's railing, my hands clutching the edge. I thought my fingers were going to rip off from what I did, though thankfully my upper body strength was working at that moment in time. Slowly getting on my two feet, I grabbed the railing to get on the inside.

Now safe and sound on the second floor, I turned to look at Valice who began to take off around the hallways again. Walking behind her, I checked each door that I could open. None of the rooms seemed good enough to hide in - in fact they were all barren, naturally covered, decrepit. I'd be found too easily, I'd be captured too quickly. Half the time I couldn't tell what the room was for, though that could've been because it was so dark with only the bright moonlight reflecting off everything I could see.

Finally we were able to come across two separate bedrooms, with not much time to choose - out of fear of them entering the mansion - I barged into the closest one near me. Valice squeezed inside at the last minute before I closed the door behind us, flying around in circles before landing on the bed that elegantly stood still in the moonlight's gaze.

"Well, we found a place to hide-"

"There's nothing to hide in or behind!" I cut off Valice, who quickly whipped her head side to side to see the realisation. She squawked, looking around with a frantic look in her eyes; trying to find anything. She wasn't alone in that quest either, I was searching the room too. Though there was no luck when it came to any hiding places. We were done for.

"Search the mansion; bottom to top!" My eyes widened at the far away yelling of one policeman's voice, echoing in a way that meant one thing. They were in the main hall. They'd gotten inside.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I whispered continuously, almost tripping on my own feet as I stumbled around the room. Sleeves wrinkling from the clasp of my hands. "What now? What-"

I paused for a second, eyeing the cupboard that rested against the wall near the bed. "Did you check inside there?"

"Yeah, but it was full of old outfits. Probably rotten," Valice answered, her voice almost as quiet as mine as she hopped closer to where I stood. "Too cramped as well."

"What kind of outfits were in there?" I asked, walking over to the cupboard doors. We had at least some time to spare, both flights of stairs were blocked off by a mass of junk and debris.

"Feminine clothes," She answered back, I could feel her gaze watching me as I scanned through the clothing. Nothing catching my eye until I saw it. "And that..."

"We can use this to our advantage, Valice!" I quietly exclaimed, grinning underneath my gasmask. "I highly doubt any of them have read about anything hauntingly. So we take advantage of it. Help me get into this."

"Okay," Valice squawked out, flapping her wings to get into the air. I removed my gasmask, letting my face hit the cold air after an entire day with the thing suffocating me. Sadly I would have to wear it more often, I couldn't stay here forever. The next to go was my padded hoodie - finally I could scratch my head. It was starting to get on my nerves. My t-shirt, despite being black, clearly had sweat stains showing. "Wait!"

"Huh?" I hummed, paused midway through taking off my t-shirt. Valice appeared to be staring at the wall behind me, only looking back at me after a few seconds of glaring on her part. A small nod indicating that I could continue. "Odd, what was that for?"

"Protecting you," She proudly answered, watching me remove my trousers to finally get the clothing on. I had laid my clothes and pair of boots in the cupboard that I'd opened. Squeaking like a mouse as the lace around my waist was tightened with the help of Valice's small talons. "There we go, all done up."

"Now we just wait," I mumbled out, walking towards the wall-sized window opposite the bedroom door. Curtains wide open, allowing me to see the moon seep its reflective light onto Earth. Valice hiding underneath it to allow me to float if necessary.

The door knob jiggled...

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