crazy incident

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Today was like any other day, BORING
•first thing I had was flipping maths does it look like I know 2+2 nope still need to use a calculator

I had to meet up with Niki and sunoo because we aren't in the same classes i had walked out of my class to my locker to get my books but someone blocked my way

"What you doing jungwon"

I looked up to see the one and only jay of course it had to be him

"Please move out of my way" I said politely but he still said nope

"Nah I like it here imma stay thanks"he said so confident

I pushed him out of my way to get to my lockers once I got my books from my locker I turned around to jay smiling at me, he cautiously pushed me against my locker and came close to my face and whispered in my ear "hmm I wonder what it's like to kiss someone"

I froze in shock on what he had just said to me
I calmly said "I have no idea but go and see"

But then he came even closer out lips almost touched but I pushed him away,
"what are you doing guys,"sunoo and niki said in shock "oooooo our ship is sailing" they said at the same time being in sync like always

"GUYS SHUT UP I WOULD NEVER DATE HIM" I said angrily whilst storming off out the exit

Few hours later after school

I started walking when I sensed someone following me so I started walking a bit faster it was pitch black I had just came out of sunoos house like 10 minutes ago yes I live miles away from him so it took a while to get home also back to the point where I think someone is following me

I started walking as fast as I could but it wasn't fast enough someone had already grabbed my face with black soft gloves and I blacked out
The last thing I remember was the moment at the blossom tree I couldn't remember anything else I wondered on where I was until I saw someone walk up to me with a baseball bat
They started talking "you wondering where you are"
I started talking as well "who are you and what do you want from me what did I do to deserve this" I said

"Well you deserve this from what you did to my father well what your father did to mine" he said whilst I sit there in confusion

"What are you talking about and also how do you know my father"I spoke out

after I said that he picked up a different weapon I couldn't clearly see what it was but I knew it was dangerous... !!

I suddenly felt something go through my arm " ouch" I said before I fainted

I heard police sirens before everything went silent

I woke up in a hospital with sunoo niki and my parents surrounding me crying there eyes out when I woke up all I could here was the wind I couldn't hear people talk

Once I woke up I turned to my dad "dad do you know someone called lee park" I said slowly trying to speak

He stared at me "how do you know him"
He said angrily

"Well before the person had stabbed me I see a file saying his name I don't quite remember but I saw the last name park and it reminded me of the dude you toke me about before and I wanted to see if you know him"

"Yes wonnie I know him he was my enemy in high school" he said whilst my mother calming him down

This chapter is quite on the edge but I wanted my book to be edgy that's why don't worry jungwon is still alive:) so yaaaa

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